Updated config
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let dark_theme = {
list: white
block: white
hints: dark_gray
search_result: {bg: red fg: white}
search_result: {bg: red fg: white}
shape_and: purple_bold
shape_binary: purple_bold
shape_block: blue_bold
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ let light_theme = {
list: white
block: white
hints: dark_gray
search_result: {fg: white bg: red}
search_result: {fg: white bg: red}
shape_and: purple_bold
shape_binary: purple_bold
shape_block: blue_bold
@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ $env.config = {
history: {
max_size: 100_000 # Session has to be reloaded for this to take effect
sync_on_enter: true # Enable to share history between multiple sessions, else you have to close the session to write history to file
file_format: "plaintext" # "sqlite" or "plaintext"
isolation: false # only available with sqlite file_format. true enables history isolation, false disables it. true will allow the history to be isolated to the current session using up/down arrows. false will allow the history to be shared across all sessions.
file_format: "sqlite" # "sqlite" or "plaintext"
isolation: true # only available with sqlite file_format. true enables history isolation, false disables it. true will allow the history to be isolated to the current session using up/down arrows. false will allow the history to be shared across all sessions.
completions: {
@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
"LazyVim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "aa1cccf230a01bd85d5173f7d87f782fd83caa88" },
"LuaSnip": { "branch": "master", "commit": "e81cbe6004051c390721d8570a4a0541ceb0df10" },
"alpha-nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "e4fc5e29b731bdf55d204c5c6a11dc3be70f3b65" },
"catppuccin": { "branch": "main", "commit": "057c34f849cf21059487d849e2f3b3efcd4ee0eb" },
"LuaSnip": { "branch": "master", "commit": "409535b8fc54c650eb845b0c35e0cc7f08810284" },
"alpha-nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "8e05626e073a5a60ffeb8139076520c1eda41d59" },
"catppuccin": { "branch": "main", "commit": "490078b1593c6609e6a50ad5001e7902ea601824" },
"cmp-buffer": { "branch": "main", "commit": "3022dbc9166796b644a841a02de8dd1cc1d311fa" },
"cmp-nvim-lsp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "44b16d11215dce86f253ce0c30949813c0a90765" },
"cmp-path": { "branch": "main", "commit": "91ff86cd9c29299a64f968ebb45846c485725f23" },
"cmp_luasnip": { "branch": "master", "commit": "18095520391186d634a0045dacaa346291096566" },
"dressing.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "829bc80400651aea31b03d8fc9a99135512fe67a" },
"dressing.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "6bde51adabba06f7fd4a469885a85f36d78a5f52" },
"flash.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "967117690bd677cb7b6a87f0bc0077d2c0be3a27" },
"friendly-snippets": { "branch": "main", "commit": "bc38057e513458cb2486b6cd82d365fa294ee398" },
"gitsigns.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5d73da785a3c05fd63ac31769079db05169a6ec7" },
"friendly-snippets": { "branch": "main", "commit": "377d45475b49e37460a902d6d569d2093d4037d0" },
"gitsigns.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "55f8fc7b13205d44359080ed00095674c353bd76" },
"indent-blankline.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "4541d690816cb99a7fc248f1486aa87f3abce91c" },
"lazy.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "3ad55ae678876516156cca2f361c51f7952a924b" },
"lualine.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "05d78e9fd0cdfb4545974a5aa14b1be95a86e9c9" },
"lualine.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "45e27ca739c7be6c49e5496d14fcf45a303c3a63" },
"mason-lspconfig.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "e86a4c84ff35240639643ffed56ee1c4d55f538e" },
"mason.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "fe9e34a9ab4d64321cdc3ecab4ea1809239bb73f" },
"mason.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "74eac861b013786bf231b204b4ba9a7d380f4bd9" },
"mini.ai": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5218ea75e635df78a807bc9d5a7162594fb76d02" },
"mini.bufremove": { "branch": "main", "commit": "7821606e35c1ac931b56d8e3155f45ffe76ee7e5" },
"mini.comment": { "branch": "main", "commit": "877acea5b2a32ff55f808fc0ebe9aa898648318c" },
"mini.indentscope": { "branch": "main", "commit": "f60e9b51a6214c73a170ffc5445ce91560981031" },
"mini.pairs": { "branch": "main", "commit": "dfa9f6e2576bb8853be277d96b735af59d9be7c2" },
"mini.surround": { "branch": "main", "commit": "9d1956b576d7051da3a483b251dfc778121c60db" },
"neo-tree.nvim": { "branch": "v3.x", "commit": "981a43adcca25e7ccc3c589902d49f25e4d48ebc" },
"neoconf.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "08f146d53e075055500dca35e93281faff95716b" },
"neodev.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "2973d6c56cbde46c04e12476bb40eefd516d5f35" },
"neo-tree.nvim": { "branch": "v3.x", "commit": "7951701fd21291ac473ea92d3fd57ec5c8bf10bb" },
"neodev.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "f1f5f840fec7218bd277e7e88e7c539c305f649a" },
"noice.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "894db25ec726d32047799d4d0a982b701bec453b" },
"nui.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "9e3916e784660f55f47daa6f26053ad044db5d6a" },
"null-ls.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "db09b6c691def0038c456551e4e2772186449f35" },
"nvim-cmp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "c4e491a87eeacf0408902c32f031d802c7eafce8" },
"nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "b6091272422bb0fbd729f7f5d17a56d37499c54f" },
"null-ls.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "0010ea927ab7c09ef0ce9bf28c2b573fc302f5a7" },
"nvim-cmp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "51f1e11a89ec701221877532ee1a23557d291dd5" },
"nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "0d29cad8de3b2c654315203fc1fe12fde722a18a" },
"nvim-navic": { "branch": "master", "commit": "9c89730da6a05acfeb6a197e212dfadf5aa60ca0" },
"nvim-notify": { "branch": "master", "commit": "ea9c8ce7a37f2238f934e087c255758659948e0f" },
"nvim-spectre": { "branch": "master", "commit": "3ba6edeea1390457caaf73e96ab9c086ff6f90e9" },
"nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "e8648569d82c7bb46dc511cda9dbec687774461f" },
"nvim-spectre": { "branch": "master", "commit": "5b39919a2947b1266b3aa34d0b0b14c35523bc69" },
"nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "7c27beddda182a178eafd978a96cc35738d6be98" },
"nvim-treesitter-textobjects": { "branch": "master", "commit": "9e519b6146512c8e2e702faf8ac48420f4f5deec" },
"nvim-ts-context-commentstring": { "branch": "main", "commit": "e9062e2dfb9854e6a927370f2d720de354c88524" },
"nvim-web-devicons": { "branch": "master", "commit": "efbfed0567ef4bfac3ce630524a0f6c8451c5534" },
"onedark.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "cae5fdf035ee92c407a29ee2ccfcff503d2be7f1" },
"nvim-web-devicons": { "branch": "master", "commit": "ab899311f8ae00a47eae8e0879506cead8eb1561" },
"onedark.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "09b71d84bd2524438e48c0aa5b54d855cc72af32" },
"persistence.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "4b8051c01f696d8849a5cb8afa9767be8db16e40" },
"plenary.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "267282a9ce242bbb0c5dc31445b6d353bed978bb" },
"telescope.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "b6fccfb0f7589a87587875206786daccba62acc3" },
"project.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "8c6bad7d22eef1b71144b401c9f74ed01526a4fb" },
"telescope.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "2d92125620417fbea82ec30303823e3cd69e90e8" },
"tokyonight.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "1ee11019f8a81dac989ae1db1a013e3d582e2033" },
"trouble.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "40aad004f53ae1d1ba91bcc5c29d59f07c5f01d3" },
"vim-illuminate": { "branch": "master", "commit": "a2907275a6899c570d16e95b9db5fd921c167502" },
"vim-illuminate": { "branch": "master", "commit": "5ed17582a8e97bf0a0c617c3cf762e98f87b9859" },
"vim-startuptime": { "branch": "master", "commit": "454b3de856b7bd298700de33d79774ca9b9e3875" },
"which-key.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "7ccf476ebe0445a741b64e36c78a682c1c6118b7" }
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ vim.opt.rtp:prepend(vim.env.LAZY or lazypath)
spec = {
{ "LazyVim/LazyVim", import = "lazyvim.plugins" },
{ import = "lazyvim.plugins.extras.util.project" },
{ import = "plugins" },
defaults = {
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ return {
-- web dev
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ return {
gopls = {
settings = {
gopls = {
gofumpt = true,
gofumpt = false,
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