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In-memory key value store that saves your data in JSON format.

{"name":"User 1"}
{"name":"User 2"}
{"name":"User 3"}

If you like, you can operate on your entire data with classic UNIX tools.


go get git.akyoto.dev/go/ocean


// User data
type User struct {
    Name string

// Load existing data from ~/.ocean/User.dat
users := ocean.New[User]()

// Store in memory and also store in ~/.ocean/User.dat
users.Set("1", &User{Name: "User 1"})

// Read from memory
first, err := users.Get("1")

// Iterate over all users
for user := range users.All() {

In a real project you would usually prefix your collections with a project or company name:

// Data saved to ~/.ocean/google/User.dat
users := ocean.New[User]("google")

Disk writes are async and they work like this:

  1. Set key and value in memory (sync.Map.Store)
  2. Mark the collection as "dirty" (atomic.StoreUint32)
  3. Immediately return control to the program

Because a Set call doesn't immediately flush the memory to disk, calling Set multiple times in a web server request becomes extremely efficient.