Improved type system
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ main() {
address[3] = 'l'
address[4] = 'o'
sys.write(1, address, length)
||||, length)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ main() {
n :=, address, length)
if n <= 0 {
||||, length)
@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ print(p *Point) {
out[6] = '0' + p.y
out[7] = '\n'
sys.write(1, out, 8)
||||, 8)
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ number(x Int) {
buffer := mem.alloc(length)
address, count := itoa(x, buffer, length)
sys.write(1, address, count)
||||, length)
itoa(x Int, buffer Pointer, length Int) -> (Pointer, Int) {
itoa(x Int, buffer *Any, length Int) -> (*Any, Int) {
end := buffer + length
tmp := end
digit := 0
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import sys
free(address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
return sys.munmap(address-8, length+8)
free(address []Any) -> Int {
return sys.munmap(address-8, len(address)+8)
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
getcwd(buffer Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
getcwd(buffer *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(79, buffer, length)
chdir(path Pointer) -> Int {
chdir(path *Any) -> Int {
return syscall(80, path)
rename(old Pointer, new Pointer) -> Int {
rename(old *Any, new *Any) -> Int {
return syscall(82, old, new)
mkdir(path Pointer, mode Int) -> Int {
mkdir(path *Any, mode Int) -> Int {
return syscall(83, path, mode)
rmdir(path Pointer) -> Int {
rmdir(path *Any) -> Int {
return syscall(84, path)
unlink(file Pointer) -> Int {
unlink(file *Any) -> Int {
return syscall(87, file)
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
read(fd Int, address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
read(fd Int, address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0, fd, address, length)
write(fd Int, address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
write(fd Int, address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(1, fd, address, length)
open(file Pointer, flags Int, mode Int) -> Int {
return syscall(2, file, flags, mode)
open(path *Any, flags Int, mode Int) -> Int {
return syscall(2, path, flags, mode)
close(fd Int) -> Int {
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
read(fd Int, address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
read(fd Int, address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0x2000003, fd, address, length)
write(fd Int, address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
write(fd Int, address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0x2000004, fd, address, length)
open(file Pointer, flags Int, mode Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0x2000005, file, flags, mode)
open(path *Any, flags Int, mode Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0x2000005, path, flags, mode)
close(fd Int) -> Int {
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
read(fd Int, address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
read(fd Int, address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
kernel32.ReadFile(fd, address, length)
return length
write(fd Int, address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
write(fd Int, address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
fd = kernel32.GetStdHandle(-10 - fd)
kernel32.WriteConsoleA(fd, address, length, 0)
return length
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
mmap(address Int, length Int, protection Int, flags Int) -> Pointer {
mmap(address Int, length Int, protection Int, flags Int) -> *Any {
return syscall(9, address, length, protection, flags)
munmap(address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
munmap(address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(11, address, length)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
mmap(address Int, length Int, protection Int, flags Int) -> Pointer {
mmap(address Int, length Int, protection Int, flags Int) -> *Any {
return syscall(0x20000C5, address, length, protection, flags)
munmap(address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
munmap(address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0x2000049, address, length)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
mmap(address Int, length Int, protection Int, flags Int) -> Pointer {
mmap(address Int, length Int, protection Int, flags Int) -> *Any {
return kernel32.VirtualAlloc(address, length, flags, protection)
munmap(address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
munmap(address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return kernel32.VirtualFree(address, length, 0x4000)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ socket(family Int, type Int, protocol Int) -> Int {
return syscall(41, family, type, protocol)
accept(fd Int, address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
accept(fd Int, address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(43, fd, address, length)
@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ listen(fd Int, backlog Int) -> Int {
return syscall(50, fd, backlog)
setsockopt(fd Int, level Int, optname Int, optval Pointer, optlen Int) -> Int {
setsockopt(fd Int, level Int, optname Int, optval *Any, optlen Int) -> Int {
return syscall(54, fd, level, optname, optval, optlen)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ socket(family Int, type Int, protocol Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0x2000061, family, type, protocol)
accept(fd Int, address Pointer, length Int) -> Int {
accept(fd Int, address *Any, length Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0x200001E, fd, address, length)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
clone(flags Int, stack Pointer) -> Int {
clone(flags Int, stack *Any) -> Int {
return syscall(56, flags, stack)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ fork() -> Int {
return syscall(57)
execve(path Pointer, argv Pointer, envp Pointer) -> Int {
execve(path *Any, argv *Any, envp *Any) -> Int {
return syscall(59, path, argv, envp)
@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ exit(status Int) {
syscall(60, status)
waitid(type Int, id Int, info Pointer, options Int) -> Int {
waitid(type Int, id Int, info *Any, options Int) -> Int {
return syscall(247, type, id, info, options)
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ fork() -> Int {
return syscall(0x2000002)
execve(path Pointer, argv Pointer, envp Pointer) -> Int {
execve(path *Any, argv *Any, envp *Any) -> Int {
return syscall(0x200003B, path, argv, envp)
waitid(type Int, id Int, info Pointer, options Int) -> Int {
waitid(type Int, id Int, info *Any, options Int) -> Int {
return syscall(0x20000AD, type, id, info, options)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import sys
create(func Pointer) -> Int {
create(func *Any) -> Int {
size := 4096
stack := sys.mmap(0, size, 0x1|0x2, 0x02|0x20|0x100|0x20000)
rip := stack + size - 8
@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ import (
func (f *Function) CompileCall(root *expression.Expression) (*Function, error) {
var (
pkg = f.Package
pkgNode *expression.Expression
name string
nameNode = root.Children[0]
fn *Function
name string
exists bool
@ -53,8 +54,11 @@ func (f *Function) CompileCall(root *expression.Expression) (*Function, error) {
return nil, f.CompileMemoryStore(root)
} else {
pkg = nameNode.Children[0].Token.Text(f.File.Bytes)
name = nameNode.Children[1].Token.Text(f.File.Bytes)
pkgNode = nameNode.Children[0]
nameNode = nameNode.Children[1]
pkg = pkgNode.Token.Text(f.File.Bytes)
name = nameNode.Token.Text(f.File.Bytes)
if pkg == "kernel32" || pkg == "user32" || pkg == "gdi32" || pkg == "comctl32" {
@ -74,13 +78,13 @@ func (f *Function) CompileCall(root *expression.Expression) (*Function, error) {
return nil, nil
} else if pkg != f.File.Package {
if f.File.Imports == nil {
return nil, errors.New(&errors.UnknownPackage{Name: pkg}, f.File, nameNode.Token.Position)
return nil, errors.New(&errors.UnknownPackage{Name: pkg}, f.File, pkgNode.Token.Position)
imp, exists := f.File.Imports[pkg]
if !exists {
return nil, errors.New(&errors.UnknownPackage{Name: pkg}, f.File, nameNode.Token.Position)
return nil, errors.New(&errors.UnknownPackage{Name: pkg}, f.File, pkgNode.Token.Position)
imp.Used = true
@ -93,6 +97,11 @@ func (f *Function) CompileCall(root *expression.Expression) (*Function, error) {
parameters := root.Children[1:]
if len(parameters) != len(fn.Input) {
return nil, errors.New(&errors.ParameterCountMismatch{Function: fn.Name, Count: len(parameters), ExpectedCount: len(fn.Input)}, f.File, nameNode.Token.End())
registers := f.CPU.Input[:len(parameters)]
for i := len(parameters) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
@ -107,9 +116,20 @@ func (f *Function) CompileCall(root *expression.Expression) (*Function, error) {
encountered := ""
expected := ""
if typ != nil {
encountered = typ.Name()
if fn.Input[i].Type != nil {
expected = fn.Input[i].Type.Name()
return nil, errors.New(&errors.TypeMismatch{
Encountered: typ.Name(),
Expected: fn.Input[i].Type.Name(),
Encountered: encountered,
Expected: expected,
ParameterName: fn.Input[i].Name,
}, f.File, parameters[i].Token.Position)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package errors
import "fmt"
// ParameterCountMismatch error is created when the number of parameters doesn't match the function prototype.
type ParameterCountMismatch struct {
Function string
Count int
ExpectedCount int
// Error generates the string representation.
func (err *ParameterCountMismatch) Error() string {
if err.Count > err.ExpectedCount {
return fmt.Sprintf("Too many parameters in '%s' function call", err.Function)
return fmt.Sprintf("Not enough parameters in '%s' function call", err.Function)
@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ type Array struct {
// Name returns the type name.
func (a *Array) Name() string {
if a.Of == Any {
return "[]Any"
return "[]" + a.Of.Name()
@ -10,25 +10,27 @@ func ByName(name string, pkg string, structs map[string]*Struct) Type {
to := strings.TrimPrefix(name, "*")
typ := ByName(to, pkg, structs)
if typ != nil {
return &Pointer{To: typ}
if typ == Any {
return AnyPointer
return nil
return &Pointer{To: typ}
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "[]") {
to := strings.TrimPrefix(name, "[]")
typ := ByName(to, pkg, structs)
if typ != nil {
return &Array{Of: typ}
if typ == Any {
return AnyArray
return nil
return &Array{Of: typ}
switch name {
case "Any":
return Any
case "Int":
return Int
case "Int64":
@ -45,8 +47,6 @@ func ByName(name string, pkg string, structs map[string]*Struct) Type {
return Float64
case "Float32":
return Float32
case "Pointer":
return AnyPointer
typ, exists := structs[pkg+"."+name]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package types
var (
Any = &Base{name: "Any", size: 0}
AnyArray = &Array{Of: Any}
AnyPointer = &Pointer{To: Any}
Int64 = &Base{name: "Int64", size: 8}
Int32 = &Base{name: "Int32", size: 4}
Int16 = &Base{name: "Int16", size: 2}
Int8 = &Base{name: "Int8", size: 1}
Float64 = &Base{name: "Float64", size: 8}
Float32 = &Base{name: "Float32", size: 4}
var (
Int = Int64
Float = Float64
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
package types
var (
Float64 = &Base{name: "Float64", size: 8}
Float32 = &Base{name: "Float32", size: 4}
Float = Float64
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
package types
var (
Int64 = &Base{name: "Int64", size: 8}
Int32 = &Base{name: "Int32", size: 4}
Int16 = &Base{name: "Int16", size: 2}
Int8 = &Base{name: "Int8", size: 1}
Int = Int64
@ -2,30 +2,26 @@ package types
// Is returns true if the encountered type `a` can be converted into the expected type `b`.
func Is(a Type, b Type) bool {
if a == nil {
return true
if a == b {
if a == b || b == Any || a == nil {
return true
aPointer, aIsPointer := a.(*Pointer)
bPointer, bIsPointer := b.(*Pointer)
if aIsPointer && bIsPointer && (bPointer.To == nil || aPointer.To == bPointer.To) {
if aIsPointer && bIsPointer && (bPointer.To == Any || aPointer.To == bPointer.To) {
return true
aArray, aIsArray := a.(*Array)
if aIsArray && bIsPointer && (bPointer.To == nil || aArray.Of == bPointer.To) {
if aIsArray && bIsPointer && (bPointer.To == Any || aArray.Of == bPointer.To) {
return true
bArray, bIsArray := b.(*Array)
if aIsArray && bIsArray && aArray.Of == bArray.Of {
if aIsArray && bIsArray && (bArray.Of == Any || aArray.Of == bArray.Of) {
return true
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package types
var AnyPointer = &Pointer{To: nil}
// Pointer is the address of an object.
type Pointer struct {
To Type
@ -10,7 +8,7 @@ type Pointer struct {
// Name returns the type name.
func (p *Pointer) Name() string {
if p.To == nil {
return "Pointer"
return "*Any"
return "*" + p.To.Name()
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import (
func TestName(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, types.Int.Name(), "Int64")
assert.Equal(t, types.AnyPointer.Name(), "Pointer")
assert.Equal(t, types.AnyArray.Name(), "[]Any")
assert.Equal(t, types.AnyPointer.Name(), "*Any")
assert.Equal(t, (&types.Pointer{To: types.Int}).Name(), "*Int64")
assert.Equal(t, (&types.Array{Of: types.Int}).Name(), "[]Int64")
assert.Equal(t, types.String.Name(), "[]Int8")
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ func TestSize(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, types.Int16.Size(), 2)
assert.Equal(t, types.Int32.Size(), 4)
assert.Equal(t, types.Int64.Size(), 8)
assert.Equal(t, types.AnyArray.Size(), 8)
assert.Equal(t, types.AnyPointer.Size(), 8)
assert.Equal(t, types.String.Size(), 8)
assert.Equal(t, (&types.Pointer{To: types.Int}).Size(), 8)
@ -39,9 +41,12 @@ func TestStruct(t *testing.T) {
func TestBasics(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, types.Is(types.Int, types.Any))
assert.True(t, types.Is(types.Int, types.Int))
assert.True(t, types.Is(types.AnyPointer, types.AnyPointer))
assert.True(t, types.Is(&types.Array{Of: types.Int}, types.AnyArray))
assert.False(t, types.Is(types.Int, types.Float))
assert.False(t, types.Is(types.Any, types.Int))
assert.False(t, types.Is(&types.Pointer{To: types.Int}, &types.Pointer{To: types.Float}))
@ -55,5 +60,9 @@ func TestSpecialCases(t *testing.T) {
// A pointer pointing to a known type fulfills the requirement of a pointer to anything.
assert.True(t, types.Is(&types.Pointer{To: types.Int}, types.AnyPointer))
assert.True(t, types.Is(&types.Pointer{To: types.Float}, types.AnyPointer))
// Case #3:
// Arrays are also just pointers.
assert.True(t, types.Is(&types.Array{Of: types.Int}, types.AnyPointer))
assert.True(t, types.Is(&types.Array{Of: types.Float}, types.AnyPointer))
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ main() {
writeToMemory(p Pointer) {
writeToMemory(p *Any) {
p[0] = 'A'
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ var errs = []struct {
{"MissingParameter3.q", errors.MissingParameter},
{"MissingType.q", errors.MissingType},
{"ReturnCountMismatch.q", &errors.ReturnCountMismatch{Count: 1, ExpectedCount: 0}},
{"TypeMismatch.q", &errors.TypeMismatch{Expected: "Pointer", Encountered: "Int64", ParameterName: "p"}},
{"TypeMismatch.q", &errors.TypeMismatch{Expected: "*Any", Encountered: "Int64", ParameterName: "p"}},
{"UnknownFunction.q", &errors.UnknownFunction{Name: "unknown"}},
{"UnknownFunction2.q", &errors.UnknownFunction{Name: "f"}},
{"UnknownIdentifier.q", &errors.UnknownIdentifier{Name: "x"}},
@ -2,6 +2,5 @@ import mem
main() {
address := mem.alloc(1024)
err :=, 1024)
assert err == 0
assert == 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user