2018-04-02 07:34:16 +02:00

172 lines
4.6 KiB

import AnimeNotifier from "../AnimeNotifier"
import { delay, requestIdleCallback } from "../Utils"
// Search page reference
var emptySearchHTML = ""
var searchPage: HTMLElement
var searchPageTitle: HTMLElement
var correctResponseRendered = {
"anime": false,
"character": false,
"forum": false,
"soundtrack": false,
"user": false,
"company": false
// Save old term to compare
var oldTerm = ""
// Containers for all the search results
var animeSearchResults: HTMLElement
var characterSearchResults: HTMLElement
var forumSearchResults: HTMLElement
var soundtrackSearchResults: HTMLElement
var userSearchResults: HTMLElement
var companySearchResults: HTMLElement
// Delay before a request is sent
const searchDelay = 150
// Fetch options
const fetchOptions: RequestInit = {
credentials: "same-origin"
// Search
export async function search(arn: AnimeNotifier, search: HTMLInputElement, e: KeyboardEvent) {
if(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) {
// Determine if we're already seeing the search page
let searchPageActivated = (searchPage === arn.app.content.children[0])
// Check if the search term really changed
let term = search.value.trim()
if(term === oldTerm && searchPageActivated) {
oldTerm = term
// Reset
correctResponseRendered.anime = false
correctResponseRendered.character = false
correctResponseRendered.forum = false
correctResponseRendered.soundtrack = false
correctResponseRendered.user = false
correctResponseRendered.company = false
// Set browser URL
let url = "/search/" + term
document.title = "Search: " + term
arn.app.currentPath = url
// Unmount mountables to improve visual responsiveness on key press
// Show loading spinner
try {
// Fetch empty search frame if needed
if(emptySearchHTML === "") {
let response = await fetch("/_/empty-search")
emptySearchHTML = await response.text()
if(!searchPageActivated) {
if(!searchPage) {
searchPage = document.createElement("div")
searchPage.innerHTML = emptySearchHTML
arn.app.content.innerHTML = ""
history.pushState(url, document.title, url)
} else {
history.replaceState(url, document.title, url)
// Delay
await delay(searchDelay)
if(term !== search.value.trim()) {
if(!animeSearchResults) {
animeSearchResults = document.getElementById("anime-search-results")
characterSearchResults = document.getElementById("character-search-results")
forumSearchResults = document.getElementById("forum-search-results")
soundtrackSearchResults = document.getElementById("soundtrack-search-results")
userSearchResults = document.getElementById("user-search-results")
companySearchResults = document.getElementById("company-search-results")
searchPageTitle = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0]
searchPageTitle.innerText = document.title
if(!term || term.length < 1) {
await arn.innerHTML(searchPage, emptySearchHTML)
// Start searching
fetch("/_/anime-search/" + term, fetchOptions)
.then(showResponseInElement(arn, url, "anime", animeSearchResults))
requestIdleCallback(() => {
fetch("/_/character-search/" + term, fetchOptions)
.then(showResponseInElement(arn, url, "character", characterSearchResults))
fetch("/_/forum-search/" + term, fetchOptions)
.then(showResponseInElement(arn, url, "forum", forumSearchResults))
fetch("/_/soundtrack-search/" + term, fetchOptions)
.then(showResponseInElement(arn, url, "soundtrack", soundtrackSearchResults))
fetch("/_/user-search/" + term, fetchOptions)
.then(showResponseInElement(arn, url, "user", userSearchResults))
fetch("/_/company-search/" + term, fetchOptions)
.then(showResponseInElement(arn, url, "company", companySearchResults))
} catch(err) {
} finally {
function showResponseInElement(arn: AnimeNotifier, url: string, typeName: string, element: HTMLElement) {
return async (response: Response) => {
let html = await response.text()
if(arn.app.currentPath !== url) {
// Return if this result would overwrite the already arrived correct result
if(correctResponseRendered[typeName]) {
} else {
correctResponseRendered[typeName] = true
await arn.innerHTML(element, html)
// Emit content loaded event