212 lines
4.4 KiB

package main
import (
_ "image/gif"
_ "image/jpeg"
_ "image/png"
var ticker = time.NewTicker(50 * time.Millisecond)
// Shell parameters
var from int
var to int
// Shell flags
func init() {
flag.IntVar(&from, "from", 0, "From index")
flag.IntVar(&to, "to", 0, "To index")
func main() {
color.Yellow("Downloading anime images")
defer arn.Node.Close()
if from < 0 {
from = 0
allAnime := arn.FilterAnime(func(anime *arn.Anime) bool {
id, _ := strconv.Atoi(anime.ID)
return id >= from && id <= to
for index, anime := range allAnime {
fmt.Printf("%d / %d\n", index+1, len(allAnime))
color.Green("Finished downloading anime images.")
// Give file buffers some time, just to be safe
func work(anime *arn.Anime) error {
originals := path.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "/src/github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/images/anime/original/")
large := path.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "/src/github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/images/anime/large/")
medium := path.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "/src/github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/images/anime/medium/")
small := path.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "/src/github.com/animenotifier/notify.moe/images/anime/small/")
largeSize := 250
mediumSize := 142
smallSize := 55
webpQuality := 70
jpegQuality := 70
kitsuOriginal := fmt.Sprintf("https://media.kitsu.io/anime/poster_images/%s/original", anime.ID)
system := ipo.System{
Inputs: []ipo.Input{
URL: path.Join(originals, anime.ID+".png"),
URL: path.Join(originals, anime.ID+".jpg"),
URL: path.Join(originals, anime.ID+".jpeg"),
URL: path.Join(originals, anime.ID+".gif"),
URL: kitsuOriginal + anime.ImageExtension,
URL: kitsuOriginal + ".png",
URL: kitsuOriginal + ".jpg",
URL: kitsuOriginal + ".jpeg",
Outputs: []ipo.Output{
// Original
Directory: originals,
BaseName: anime.ID,
// Large
Directory: large,
BaseName: anime.ID,
Size: largeSize,
Quality: jpegQuality,
Directory: large,
BaseName: anime.ID + "@2",
Size: largeSize * 2,
Quality: jpegQuality,
Directory: large,
BaseName: anime.ID,
Size: largeSize,
Format: "webp",
Quality: webpQuality,
Directory: large,
BaseName: anime.ID + "@2",
Size: largeSize * 2,
Format: "webp",
Quality: webpQuality,
// Medium
Directory: medium,
BaseName: anime.ID,
Size: mediumSize,
Quality: jpegQuality,
Directory: medium,
BaseName: anime.ID + "@2",
Size: mediumSize * 2,
Quality: jpegQuality,
Directory: medium,
BaseName: anime.ID,
Size: mediumSize,
Format: "webp",
Quality: webpQuality,
Directory: medium,
BaseName: anime.ID + "@2",
Size: mediumSize * 2,
Format: "webp",
Quality: webpQuality,
// Small
Directory: small,
BaseName: anime.ID,
Size: smallSize,
Quality: jpegQuality,
Directory: small,
BaseName: anime.ID + "@2",
Size: smallSize * 2,
Quality: jpegQuality,
Directory: small,
BaseName: anime.ID,
Size: smallSize,
Format: "webp",
Quality: webpQuality,
Directory: small,
BaseName: anime.ID + "@2",
Size: smallSize * 2,
Format: "webp",
Quality: webpQuality,
InputProcessor: ipo.SequentialInputs,
OutputProcessor: ipo.ParallelOutputs,
err := system.Run()
if err != nil {
// Try to free up some memory
system.Inputs = nil
system.Outputs = nil
return nil