package arn import "" // ClientErrorReport saves JavaScript errors that happen in web clients like browsers. type ClientErrorReport struct { ID string `json:"id"` Message string `json:"message"` Stack string `json:"stack"` FileName string `json:"fileName"` LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` ColumnNumber int `json:"columnNumber"` hasCreator } // StreamClientErrorReports returns a stream of all characters. func StreamClientErrorReports() <-chan *ClientErrorReport { channel := make(chan *ClientErrorReport, nano.ChannelBufferSize) go func() { for obj := range DB.All("ClientErrorReport") { channel <- obj.(*ClientErrorReport) } close(channel) }() return channel } // AllClientErrorReports returns a slice of all characters. func AllClientErrorReports() []*ClientErrorReport { all := make([]*ClientErrorReport, 0, DB.Collection("ClientErrorReport").Count()) stream := StreamClientErrorReports() for obj := range stream { all = append(all, obj) } return all }