import { AnimeNotifier } from "../AnimeNotifier" var audioContext: AudioContext var audioNode: AudioBufferSourceNode var gainNode: GainNode var volume = 1.0 var playId = 0 var audioPlayer = document.getElementById("audio-player") var audioPlayerPlay = document.getElementById("audio-player-play") var audioPlayerPause = document.getElementById("audio-player-pause") // Play audio file export function playAudio(arn: AnimeNotifier, element: HTMLElement) { if(!audioContext) { audioContext = new AudioContext() gainNode = audioContext.createGain() gainNode.gain.value = volume } playId++ let currentPlayId = playId // Stop current track stopAudio(arn) arn.currentSoundTrackId = element.dataset.soundtrackId element.classList.add("playing") // Request let request = new XMLHttpRequest()"GET", element.dataset.audioSrc, true) request.responseType = "arraybuffer" request.onload = () => { if(currentPlayId !== playId) { return } audioContext.decodeAudioData(request.response, buffer => { if(currentPlayId !== playId) { return } audioNode = audioContext.createBufferSource() audioNode.buffer = buffer audioNode.connect(gainNode) gainNode.connect(audioContext.destination) audioNode.start(0) audioNode.onended = (event: MediaStreamErrorEvent) => { if(currentPlayId !== playId) { return } stopAudio(arn) } }, console.error) } request.send() // Show audio player audioPlayer.classList.remove("fade-out") audioPlayerPlay.classList.add("fade-out") audioPlayerPause.classList.remove("fade-out") } // Stop audio export function stopAudio(arn: AnimeNotifier) { arn.currentSoundTrackId = undefined // Remove CSS class "playing" let playingElements = document.getElementsByClassName("playing") for(let playing of playingElements) { playing.classList.remove("playing") } // Fade out sidebar player audioPlayer.classList.add("fade-out") if(gainNode) { gainNode.disconnect() } if(audioNode) { audioNode.stop() audioNode.disconnect() audioNode = null } } // Toggle audio export function toggleAudio(arn: AnimeNotifier, element: HTMLElement) { // If we're clicking on the same track again, stop playing. // Otherwise, start the track we clicked on. if(arn.currentSoundTrackId && element.dataset.soundtrackId === arn.currentSoundTrackId) { stopAudio(arn) } else { playAudio(arn, element) } } // Set volume export function setVolume(arn: AnimeNotifier, element: HTMLInputElement) { volume = parseFloat(element.value) / 100.0 if(gainNode) { gainNode.gain.value = volume } } // Pause audio export function pauseAudio(arn: AnimeNotifier, button: HTMLButtonElement) { if(!audioNode) { return } audioNode.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(0.0, 0) audioPlayerPlay.classList.remove("fade-out") audioPlayerPause.classList.add("fade-out") } // Resume audio export function resumeAudio(arn: AnimeNotifier, button: HTMLButtonElement) { if(!audioNode) { return } audioNode.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(1.0, 0) audioPlayerPlay.classList.add("fade-out") audioPlayerPause.classList.remove("fade-out") }