package editform import ( "bytes" "fmt" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) // Render renders a generic editing UI for any kind of datatype that has an ID. func Render(obj interface{}, title string, user *arn.User) string { t := reflect.TypeOf(obj).Elem() v := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem() id := findMainID(t, v) lowerCaseTypeName := strings.ToLower(t.Name()) endpoint := `/api/` + lowerCaseTypeName + `/` + id.String() var b bytes.Buffer b.WriteString(`<div class="widget-form">`) b.WriteString(`<div class="widget" data-api="` + endpoint + `">`) // Title b.WriteString(`<h1 class="mountable">`) b.WriteString(title) b.WriteString(`</h1>`) // Render the object with its fields RenderObject(&b, obj, "") // Additional buttons when logged in if user != nil { b.WriteString(`<div class="buttons">`) // Publish button _, ok := t.FieldByName("IsDraft") if ok { isDraft := v.FieldByName("IsDraft").Interface().(bool) if isDraft { b.WriteString(`<div class="buttons"><button class="mountable action" data-action="publish" data-trigger="click">` + utils.Icon("share-alt") + `Publish</button></div>`) } } // Delete button _, isDeletable := obj.(api.Deletable) if isDeletable && (user.Role == "editor" || user.Role == "admin") { returnPath := "" switch lowerCaseTypeName { case "anime": returnPath = "/explore" case "company": returnPath = "/companies" default: returnPath = "/" + lowerCaseTypeName + "s" } b.WriteString(`<button class="mountable action" data-action="deleteObject" data-trigger="click" data-return-path="` + returnPath + `" data-confirm-type="` + lowerCaseTypeName + `">` + utils.Icon("trash") + `Delete</button>`) } b.WriteString(`</div>`) } b.WriteString("</div>") b.WriteString("</div>") return b.String() } // RenderObject renders the UI for the object into the bytes buffer and appends an ID prefix for all API requests. // The ID prefix should either be empty or end with a dot character. func RenderObject(b *bytes.Buffer, obj interface{}, idPrefix string) { t := reflect.TypeOf(obj) v := reflect.ValueOf(obj) if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { t = t.Elem() v = v.Elem() } // Fields for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { field := t.Field(i) RenderField(b, &v, field, idPrefix) } } // RenderField ... func RenderField(b *bytes.Buffer, v *reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, idPrefix string) { if field.Anonymous || field.Tag.Get("editable") != "true" { return } b.WriteString("<div class='mountable'>") defer b.WriteString("</div>") fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(v.FieldByName(field.Name)) fieldType := field.Type.String() // String if fieldType == "string" { idType := field.Tag.Get("idType") // Try to infer the ID type by the field name if idType == "" { switch field.Name { case "AnimeID": idType = "Anime" case "CharacterID": idType = "Character" } } showPreview := idType != "" && fieldValue.String() != "" if showPreview { b.WriteString("<div class='widget-section-with-preview'>") } // Input field if field.Tag.Get("datalist") != "" { dataList := field.Tag.Get("datalist") values := arn.DataLists[dataList] b.WriteString(components.InputSelection(idPrefix+field.Name, fieldValue.String(), field.Name, field.Tag.Get("tooltip"), values)) } else if field.Tag.Get("type") == "textarea" { b.WriteString(components.InputTextArea(idPrefix+field.Name, fieldValue.String(), field.Name, field.Tag.Get("tooltip"))) } else { b.WriteString(components.InputText(idPrefix+field.Name, fieldValue.String(), field.Name, field.Tag.Get("tooltip"))) } if showPreview { b.WriteString("<div class='widget-section-preview'>") } // Preview switch idType { case "Anime": animeID := fieldValue.String() anime, err := arn.GetAnime(animeID) if err == nil { b.WriteString(components.EditFormImagePreview(anime.Link(), anime.ImageLink("small"), true)) } case "Character": characterID := fieldValue.String() character, err := arn.GetCharacter(characterID) if err == nil { b.WriteString(components.EditFormImagePreview(character.Link(), character.ImageLink("small"), false)) } case "": break default: fmt.Println("Error: Unknown idType tag: " + idType) } // Close preview tags if showPreview { b.WriteString("</div></div>") } return } // Int if fieldType == "int" { b.WriteString(components.InputNumber(idPrefix+field.Name, float64(fieldValue.Int()), field.Name, field.Tag.Get("tooltip"), "", "", "1")) return } // Float if fieldType == "float64" { b.WriteString(components.InputNumber(idPrefix+field.Name, fieldValue.Float(), field.Name, field.Tag.Get("tooltip"), "", "", "")) return } // Bool if fieldType == "bool" { if field.Name == "IsDraft" { return } // TODO: Render bool type return } // Array of strings if fieldType == "[]string" { b.WriteString(components.InputTags(idPrefix+field.Name, fieldValue.Interface().([]string), field.Name, field.Tag.Get("tooltip"))) return } // Any kind of array if strings.HasPrefix(fieldType, "[]") { b.WriteString(`<div class="widget-section">`) b.WriteString(`<h3 class="widget-title">`) b.WriteString(field.Name) b.WriteString(`</h3>`) for sliceIndex := 0; sliceIndex < fieldValue.Len(); sliceIndex++ { b.WriteString(`<div class="widget-section">`) b.WriteString(`<div class="widget-title">`) // Title b.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(sliceIndex+1) + ". " + field.Name) b.WriteString(`<div class="spacer"></div>`) // Remove button b.WriteString(`<button class="action" title="Delete this ` + field.Name + `" data-action="arrayRemove" data-trigger="click" data-field="` + field.Name + `" data-index="`) b.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(sliceIndex)) b.WriteString(`">` + utils.RawIcon("trash") + `</button>`) b.WriteString(`</div>`) arrayObj := fieldValue.Index(sliceIndex).Interface() arrayIDPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d].", field.Name, sliceIndex) RenderObject(b, arrayObj, arrayIDPrefix) // Preview // elementValue := fieldValue.Index(sliceIndex) // RenderArrayElement(b, &elementValue) if fieldType == "[]*arn.ExternalMedia" { b.WriteString(components.ExternalMedia(fieldValue.Index(sliceIndex).Interface().(*arn.ExternalMedia))) } b.WriteString(`</div>`) } b.WriteString(`<div class="buttons">`) b.WriteString(`<button class="action" data-action="arrayAppend" data-trigger="click" data-field="` + field.Name + `">` + utils.Icon("plus") + `Add ` + field.Name + `</button>`) b.WriteString(`</div>`) b.WriteString(`</div>`) return } // Any custom field type will be recursively rendered via another RenderObject call b.WriteString(`<div class="widget-section">`) b.WriteString(`<h3 class="widget-title">` + field.Name + `</h3>`) // Indent the fields b.WriteString(`<div class="indent">`) RenderObject(b, fieldValue.Interface(), field.Name+".") b.WriteString(`</div>`) b.WriteString(`</div>`) } // findMainID finds the main ID of the object. func findMainID(t reflect.Type, v reflect.Value) reflect.Value { idField := v.FieldByName("ID") if idField.IsValid() { return reflect.Indirect(idField) } for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { field := t.Field(i) if field.Tag.Get("mainID") == "true" { return reflect.Indirect(v.Field(i)) } } panic("Type " + t.Name() + " doesn't have a main ID!") }