package genre

import (


const animePerPage = 100
const animeRatingCountThreshold = 5

// Get renders the genre page.
func Get(ctx aero.Context) error {
	user := utils.GetUser(ctx)
	genreName := ctx.Get("name")
	animes := []*arn.Anime{}

	for anime := range arn.StreamAnime() {
		if containsLowerCase(anime.Genres, genreName) {
			animes = append(animes, anime)

	userScore := averageUserScore(user, animes)
	userCompleted := totalCompleted(user, animes)
	globalScore := averageGlobalScore(animes)


	if len(animes) > animePerPage {
		animes = animes[:animePerPage]

	return ctx.HTML(components.Genre(genreName, animes, user, userScore, userCompleted, globalScore))

// containsLowerCase tells you whether the given element exists when all elements are lowercased.
func containsLowerCase(array []string, search string) bool {
	for _, item := range array {
		if strings.ToLower(item) == search {
			return true

	return false

// averageUserScore counts the user's average score for a list of anime.
func averageUserScore(user *arn.User, animes []*arn.Anime) float64 {
	if user == nil {
		return 0

	count := 0.0
	scores := 0.0

	animeList := user.AnimeList()

	for _, anime := range animes {
		userAnime := animeList.Find(anime.ID)

		if userAnime != nil && !userAnime.Rating.IsNotRated() {
			scores += userAnime.Rating.Overall

	if count == 0.0 {
		return 0

	return scores / count

// averageGlobalScore returns the average overall score for the given anime.
func averageGlobalScore(animes []*arn.Anime) float64 {
	sum := 0.0
	count := 0

	for _, anime := range animes {
		if anime.Rating.Count.Overall >= animeRatingCountThreshold {
			sum += anime.Rating.Overall

	return sum / float64(count)

// totalCompleted counts the number of anime the user has completed from a given list of anime.
func totalCompleted(user *arn.User, animes []*arn.Anime) int {
	if user == nil {
		return 0

	count := 0

	completedList := user.AnimeList().FilterStatus(arn.AnimeListStatusCompleted)

	for _, anime := range animes {
		if completedList.Contains(anime.ID) {

	return count