package arn

import (


// SoundTrack is a soundtrack used in one or multiple anime.
type SoundTrack struct {
	Title  SoundTrackTitle  `json:"title" editable:"true"`
	Media  []*ExternalMedia `json:"media" editable:"true"`
	Links  []*Link          `json:"links" editable:"true"`
	Lyrics SoundTrackLyrics `json:"lyrics" editable:"true"`
	Tags   []string         `json:"tags" editable:"true" tooltip:"<ul><li><strong>anime:ID</strong> to connect it with anime (e.g. anime:yF1RhKiiR)</li><li><strong>opening</strong> for openings</li><li><strong>ending</strong> for endings</li><li><strong>op:NUMBER</strong> or <strong>ed:NUMBER</strong> if it has more than one OP/ED (e.g. op:2 or ed:3)</li><li><strong>cover</strong> for covers</li><li><strong>remix</strong> for remixes</li><li><strong>male</strong> or <strong>female</strong></li><li><strong title='Has lyrics'>vocal</strong>, <strong title='Has orchestral instruments, mostly no lyrics'>orchestral</strong> or <strong title='Has a mix of different instruments, mostly no lyrics'>instrumental</strong></li></ul>"`
	File   string           `json:"file"`


// Link returns the permalink for the track.
func (track *SoundTrack) Link() string {
	return "/soundtrack/" + track.ID

// TitleByUser returns the preferred title for the given user.
func (track *SoundTrack) TitleByUser(user *User) string {
	return track.Title.ByUser(user)

// MediaByService returns a slice of all media by the given service.
func (track *SoundTrack) MediaByService(service string) []*ExternalMedia {
	filtered := []*ExternalMedia{}

	for _, media := range track.Media {
		if media.Service == service {
			filtered = append(filtered, media)

	return filtered

// HasMediaByService returns true if the track has media by the given service.
func (track *SoundTrack) HasMediaByService(service string) bool {
	for _, media := range track.Media {
		if media.Service == service {
			return true

	return false

// HasTag returns true if it contains the given tag.
func (track *SoundTrack) HasTag(search string) bool {
	for _, tag := range track.Tags {
		if tag == search {
			return true

	return false

// HasLyrics returns true if the track has lyrics in any language.
func (track *SoundTrack) HasLyrics() bool {
	return track.Lyrics.Native != "" || track.Lyrics.Romaji != ""

// Anime fetches all tagged anime of the sound track.
func (track *SoundTrack) Anime() []*Anime {
	var animeList []*Anime

	for _, tag := range track.Tags {
		if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "anime:") {
			animeID := strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "anime:")
			anime, err := GetAnime(animeID)

			if err != nil {
				if !track.IsDraft {
					color.Red("Error fetching anime: %v", err)


			animeList = append(animeList, anime)

	return animeList

// OsuBeatmaps returns all osu beatmap IDs of the sound track.
func (track *SoundTrack) OsuBeatmaps() []string {
	return FilterIDTags(track.Tags, "osu-beatmap")

// EtternaBeatmaps returns all Etterna song IDs of the sound track.
func (track *SoundTrack) EtternaBeatmaps() []string {
	return FilterIDTags(track.Tags, "etterna")

// MainAnime ...
func (track *SoundTrack) MainAnime() *Anime {
	allAnime := track.Anime()

	if len(allAnime) == 0 {
		return nil

	return allAnime[0]

// TypeName returns the type name.
func (track *SoundTrack) TypeName() string {
	return "SoundTrack"

// Self returns the object itself.
func (track *SoundTrack) Self() Loggable {
	return track

// EditedByUser returns the user who edited this track last.
func (track *SoundTrack) EditedByUser() *User {
	user, _ := GetUser(track.EditedBy)
	return user

// OnLike is called when the soundtrack receives a like.
func (track *SoundTrack) OnLike(likedBy *User) {
	if likedBy.ID == track.CreatedBy {

	if !track.Creator().Settings().Notification.SoundTrackLikes {

	go func() {
			Title:   likedBy.Nick + " liked your soundtrack " + track.Title.ByUser(track.Creator()),
			Message: likedBy.Nick + " liked your soundtrack " + track.Title.ByUser(track.Creator()) + ".",
			Icon:    "https:" + likedBy.AvatarLink("large"),
			Link:    "" + likedBy.Link(),
			Type:    NotificationTypeLike,

// Publish ...
func (track *SoundTrack) Publish() error {
	// No media added
	if len(track.Media) == 0 {
		return errors.New("No media specified (at least 1 media source is required)")

	animeFound := false

	for _, tag := range track.Tags {
		tag = autocorrect.Tag(tag)

		if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "anime:") {
			animeID := strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "anime:")
			_, err := GetAnime(animeID)

			if err != nil {
				return errors.New("Invalid anime ID")

			animeFound = true

	// No anime found
	if !animeFound {
		return errors.New("Need to specify at least one anime")

	// No tags
	if len(track.Tags) < 1 {
		return errors.New("Need to specify at least one tag")

	// Publish
	err := publish(track)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Start download in the background
	go func() {
		err := track.Download()

		if err == nil {

	return nil

// Unpublish ...
func (track *SoundTrack) Unpublish() error {
	draftIndex, err := GetDraftIndex(track.CreatedBy)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	if draftIndex.SoundTrackID != "" {
		return errors.New("You still have an unfinished draft")

	track.IsDraft = true
	draftIndex.SoundTrackID = track.ID
	return nil

// Download downloads the track.
func (track *SoundTrack) Download() error {
	if track.IsDraft {
		return errors.New("Track is a draft")

	youtubeVideos := track.MediaByService("Youtube")

	if len(youtubeVideos) == 0 {
		return errors.New("No Youtube ID")

	youtubeID := youtubeVideos[0].ServiceID

	// Check for existing file
	if track.File != "" {
		stat, err := os.Stat(path.Join(Root, "audio", track.File))

		if err == nil && !stat.IsDir() && stat.Size() > 0 {
			return errors.New("Already downloaded")

	audioDirectory := path.Join(Root, "audio")
	baseName := track.ID + "|" + youtubeID

	// Check if it exists on the file system
	fullPath := FindFileWithExtension(baseName, audioDirectory, []string{

	// In case we added the file but didn't register it in database
	if fullPath != "" {
		extension := path.Ext(fullPath)
		track.File = baseName + extension
		return nil

	filePath := path.Join(audioDirectory, baseName)

	// Use full URL to avoid problems with Youtube IDs that start with a hyphen
	url := "" + youtubeID

	// Download
	cmd := exec.Command(
		"--audio-quality", "0",
		"--output", filePath+".%(ext)s",

	err := cmd.Start()

	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = cmd.Wait()

	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Find downloaded file
	fullPath = FindFileWithExtension(baseName, audioDirectory, []string{

	extension := path.Ext(fullPath)
	track.File = baseName + extension
	return nil

// String implements the default string serialization.
func (track *SoundTrack) String() string {
	return track.Title.ByUser(nil)

// SortSoundTracksLatestFirst ...
func SortSoundTracksLatestFirst(tracks []*SoundTrack) {
	sort.Slice(tracks, func(i, j int) bool {
		return tracks[i].Created > tracks[j].Created

// SortSoundTracksPopularFirst ...
func SortSoundTracksPopularFirst(tracks []*SoundTrack) {
	sort.Slice(tracks, func(i, j int) bool {
		aLikes := len(tracks[i].Likes)
		bLikes := len(tracks[j].Likes)

		if aLikes == bLikes {
			return tracks[i].Created > tracks[j].Created

		return aLikes > bLikes

// GetSoundTrack ...
func GetSoundTrack(id ID) (*SoundTrack, error) {
	track, err := DB.Get("SoundTrack", id)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return track.(*SoundTrack), nil

// StreamSoundTracks returns a stream of all soundtracks.
func StreamSoundTracks() <-chan *SoundTrack {
	channel := make(chan *SoundTrack, nano.ChannelBufferSize)

	go func() {
		for obj := range DB.All("SoundTrack") {
			channel <- obj.(*SoundTrack)


	return channel

// AllSoundTracks ...
func AllSoundTracks() []*SoundTrack {
	all := make([]*SoundTrack, 0, DB.Collection("SoundTrack").Count())

	for obj := range StreamSoundTracks() {
		all = append(all, obj)

	return all

// FilterSoundTracks filters all soundtracks by a custom function.
func FilterSoundTracks(filter func(*SoundTrack) bool) []*SoundTrack {
	var filtered []*SoundTrack

	for obj := range StreamSoundTracks() {
		if filter(obj) {
			filtered = append(filtered, obj)

	return filtered