// type NotificationEvent = any; // type InstallEvent = any; // type FetchEvent = any; // type PushEvent = any; // type ServiceWorkerGlobalScope = any; // Type definitions for service_worker_api 0.0 // Project: https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API // Definitions by: Tristan Caron // Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.1 /** * An CacheOptions object allowing you to set specific control options for the * matching done in the match operation. * * @property [ignoreSearch] A Boolean that specifies whether the matching * process should ignore the query string in the url. If set to true, * the ?value=bar part of http://foo.com/?value=bar would be ignored when * performing a match. It defaults to false. * * @property [ignoreMethod] A Boolean that, when set to true, prevents matching * operations from validating the Request http method (normally only GET * and HEAD are allowed.) It defaults to false. * * @property [ignoreVary] A Boolean that when set to true tells the matching * operation not to perform VARY header matching — i.e. if the URL matches you * will get a match regardless of the Response object having a VARY header or * not. It defaults to false. * * @property [cacheName] A DOMString that represents a specific cache to search * within. Note that this option is ignored by Cache.match(). */ interface CacheOptions { ignoreSearch?: boolean; ignoreMethod?: boolean; ignoreVary?: boolean; cacheName?: string; } /** * Represents the storage for Request / Response object pairs that are cached as * part of the ServiceWorker life cycle. */ interface Cache { /** * Returns a Promise that resolves to the response associated with the first * matching request in the Cache object. * * @param request The Request you are attempting to find in the Cache. * @param [options] An object that sets options for the match operation. */ match(request: Request | string, options?: CacheOptions): Promise; /** * Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of all matching responses in * the Cache object. * * @param request The Request you are attempting to find in the Cache. * @param [options] An object that sets options for the match operation. */ matchAll(request: Request | string, options?: CacheOptions): Promise; /** * Returns a Promise that resolves to a new Cache entry whose key * is the request. * * @param request The Request you want to add to the cache. */ add(request: Request | string): Promise; /** * Returns a Promise that resolves to a new array of Cache entries whose * keys are the requests. * * @param request An array of Request objects you want to add to the cache. */ addAll(requests: Array): Promise; /** * Adds additional key/value pairs to the current Cache object. * * @param request The Request you want to add to the cache. * @param response The response you want to match up to the request. */ put(request: Request, response: Response): Promise; /** * Finds the Cache entry whose key is the request, and if found, deletes the * Cache entry and returns a Promise that resolves to true. If no Cache * entry is found, it returns false. * * @param request The Request you are looking to delete. * @param [options] An object that sets options for the match operation. */ delete(request: Request | string, options?: CacheOptions): Promise; /** * Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of Cache keys. * * @param request The Request want to return, if a specific key is desired. * @param [options] An object that sets options for the match operation. */ keys(request?: Request, options?: CacheOptions): Promise; } /** * Represents the storage for Cache objects. It provides a master directory of * all the named caches that a ServiceWorker can access and maintains a mapping * of string names to corresponding Cache objects. */ interface CacheStorage { /** * Checks if a given Request is a key in any of the Cache objects that the * CacheStorage object tracks and returns a Promise that resolves * to that match. * * @param request The Request you are looking for a match for in the CacheStorage. * @param [options] An object that sets options for the match operation. */ match(request: Request | string, options?: CacheOptions): Promise; /** * Returns a Promise that resolves to true if a Cache object matching * the cacheName exists. * * @param cacheName The Request you are looking for a match for in the * CacheStorage. */ has(cacheName: string): Promise; /** * Returns a Promise that resolves to the Cache object matching * the cacheName. * * @param cacheName The name of the cache you want to open. */ open(cacheName: string): Promise; /** * Finds the Cache object matching the cacheName, and if found, deletes the * Cache object and returns a Promise that resolves to true. If no * Cache object is found, it returns false. * * @param cacheName The name of the cache you want to delete. */ delete(cacheName: string): Promise; /** * Returns a Promise that will resolve with an array containing strings * corresponding to all of the named Cache objects tracked by the * CacheStorage. Use this method to iterate over a list of all the * Cache objects. */ keys(): Promise; } /** * Represents the scope of a service worker client. A service worker client is * either a document in a browser context or a SharedWorker, which is controlled * by an active worker. */ interface ServiceWorkerClient { /** * Allows a service worker client to send a message to a ServiceWorker. * * @param message The message to send to the service worker. * @param [transfer] A transferable object such as, for example, a reference * to a port. */ postMessage(message: any, transfer?: any): void; /** * Indicates the type of browsing context of the current client. * This value can be one of auxiliary, top-level, nested, or none. */ readonly frameType: string; /** * Returns the id of the Client object. */ readonly id: string; /** * The URL of the current service worker client. */ readonly url: string; } interface WindowClient extends ServiceWorkerClient { /** * Gives user input focus to the current client. */ focus(): Promise; /** * A boolean that indicates whether the current client has focus. */ readonly focused: boolean; /** * Indicates the visibility of the current client. This value can be one of * hidden, visible, prerender, or unloaded. */ readonly visibilityState: string; } interface ServiceWorkerClientsMatchOptions { includeUncontrolled?: boolean; type?: string; } /** * Represents a container for a list of Client objects; the main way to access * the active service worker clients at the current origin. */ interface ServiceWorkerClients { /** * Gets a service worker client matching a given id and returns it in a Promise. * @param clientId The ID of the client you want to get. */ get(clientId: string): Promise; /** * Gets a list of service worker clients and returns them in a Promise. * Include the options parameter to return all service worker clients whose * origin is the same as the associated service worker's origin. If options * are not included, the method returns only the service worker clients * controlled by the service worker. * * @param [options] An options object allowing you to set options for the matching operation. */ matchAll(options?: ServiceWorkerClientsMatchOptions): Promise; /** * Opens a service worker Client in a new browser window. * * @param url A string representing the URL of the client you want to open * in the window. */ openWindow(url: string): Promise; /** * Allows an active Service Worker to set itself as the active worker for a * client page when the worker and the page are in the same scope. */ claim(): Promise; } /** * Represents a service worker. Multiple browsing contexts (e.g. pages, workers, * etc.) can be associated with the same ServiceWorker object. */ interface ServiceWorker extends Worker { /** * Returns the ServiceWorker serialized script URL defined as part of * ServiceWorkerRegistration. The URL must be on the same origin as the * document that registers the ServiceWorker. */ readonly scriptURL: string; } /** * The PushMessageData interface of the Push API provides * methods which let you retrieve the push data sent by a server in various formats. */ interface PushMessageData { /** * Extracts the data as an ArrayBuffer object. */ arrayBuffer(): ArrayBuffer; /** * Extracts the data as a Blob object. */ blob(): Blob; /** * Extracts the data as a JSON object. */ json(): any; json(): T; /** * Extracts the data as a plain text string. */ text(): string; } /** * The PushSubscription interface provides a subcription's URL endpoint and * subscription ID. */ interface PushSubscription { /** * The endpoint associated with the push subscription. */ readonly endpoint: string; /** * The subscription ID associated with the push subscription. */ readonly subscriptionId: any; } /** * Object containing optional subscribe parameters. */ interface PushSubscriptionOptions { /** * A boolean indicating that the returned push subscription will only be used for * messages whose effect is made visible to the user. */ readonly userVisibleOnly: boolean; } /** * The PushManager interface provides a way to receive notifications from * third-party servers as well as request URLs for push notifications. * This interface has replaced functionality offered by the obsolete * PushRegistrationManager. */ interface PushManager { /** * Returns a promise that resolves to a PushSubscription with details of a * new push subscription. * * @param [options] An object containing optional configuration parameters. */ subscribe(options?: PushSubscriptionOptions): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that resolves to a PushSubscription details of * the retrieved push subscription. */ getSubscription(): Promise; /** * Returns a promise that resolves to the PushPermissionStatus of the * requesting webapp, which will be one of granted, denied, or default. */ hasPermission(): Promise; } /////// Service Worker Events /////// /** * Extends the lifetime of the install and activate events dispatched on the * ServiceWorkerGlobalScope as part of the service worker lifecycle. This * ensures that any functional events (like FetchEvent) are not dispatched to * the ServiceWorker until it upgrades database schemas, deletes outdated cache * entries, etc. */ interface ExtendableEvent extends Event { /** * Extends the lifetime of the event. * It is intended to be called in the install EventHandler for the * installing worker and on the active EventHandler for the active worker. * * @param promise */ waitUntil(promise: Promise): void; } /** * The parameter passed into the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onfetch handler, * FetchEvent represents a fetch action that is dispatched on the * ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker. It contains information about * the request and resulting response, and provides the FetchEvent.respondWith() * method, which allows us to provide an arbitrary response back to the * controlled page. */ interface FetchEvent extends Event { /** * Returns a Boolean that is true if the event was dispatched with the * user's intention for the page to reload, and false otherwise. Typically, * pressing the refresh button in a browser is a reload, while clicking a * link and pressing the back button is not. */ readonly isReload: boolean; /** * Returns the Request that triggered the event handler. */ readonly request: Request; /** * Returns the id of the client that the current service worker is controlling. */ readonly clientId: string; /** * Resolves by returning a Response or a network error to Fetch. * * @param all Any custom response-generating code. */ respondWith(all: any): any; waitUntil(promise: Promise): void; } /** * The ExtendableMessageEvent interface of the ServiceWorker API represents * the event object of a message event fired on * a service worker (when a channel message is received on * the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope from another context) * — extends the lifetime of such events. */ interface ExtendableMessageEvent extends ExtendableEvent { /** * Returns the event's data. It can be any data type. */ readonly data: any; /** * Returns the origin of the ServiceWorkerClient that sent the message */ readonly origin: string; /** * Represents, in server-sent events, the last event ID of the event source. */ readonly lastEventId: string; /** * Returns a reference to the service worker that sent the message. */ readonly source: ServiceWorkerClient; /** * Returns the array containing the MessagePort objects * representing the ports of the associated message channel. */ readonly ports: MessagePort[]; } /** * The parameter passed into the oninstall handler, the InstallEvent interface * represents an install action that is dispatched on the * ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker. As a child of ExtendableEvent, * it ensures that functional events such as FetchEvent are not dispatched * during installation. */ interface InstallEvent extends ExtendableEvent { /** * Returns the ServiceWorker that is currently actively controlling the page. */ readonly activeWorker: ServiceWorker; } /** * The parameter passed into the onnotificationclick handler, * the NotificationEvent interface represents * a notification click event that is dispatched on * the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker. */ interface NotificationEvent extends ExtendableEvent { /** * Returns a Notification object representing * the notification that was clicked to fire the event. */ notification: any; // need to be replaced with `Notification` when possible /** * Returns the string ID of the notification button the user clicked. * This value returns undefined if the user clicked * the notification somewhere other than an action button, * or the notification does not have a button. */ action: string; } /** * The PushEvent interface of the Push API represents * a push message that has been received. * This event is sent to the global scope of a ServiceWorker. * It contains the information sent from an application server to a PushSubscription. */ interface PushEvent extends ExtendableEvent { /** * Returns a reference to a PushMessageData object containing * data sent to the PushSubscription. */ readonly data: PushMessageData; } interface PushSubscriptionChangeEvent extends ExtendableEvent { readonly newSubscription: PushSubscription; readonly oldSubscription: PushSubscription; } interface ServiceWorkerContainerEventMap { "error": ErrorEvent; "controllerchange": Event; } interface ServiceWorkerEventMap { "activate": ExtendableEvent; "fetch": FetchEvent; "install": InstallEvent; // "message": ExtendableMessageEvent; "message": MessageEvent; "notificationclick": NotificationEvent; "push": PushEvent; "pushsubscriptionchang": PushEvent; } /** * An options object to provide options upon a ServiceWorkerRegistration. * @param [scope] A USVString representing a URL that defines a service worker's registration scope; what range of * URLs a service worker can control. This is usually a relative URL, and it defaults to '/' when not specified. */ interface ServiceWorkerRegisterOptions { scope: string; } /** * Action to display in a notification. * @param [action] A DOMString identifying a user action to be displayed on the notification. * @param [title] A DOMString containing action text to be shown to the user. * @param [icon] A USVString containg the URL of an icon to display with the action. */ interface NotificationAction { // TODO: Maybe need to moved if NotificationApi types are defined action: string; title: string; icon?: string; } /** * Object that allows to configure a notification. * @param [actions] An array of actions to display in the notification. * Appropriate responses are built using event.action within the notificationclick event. * @param [badge] The URL of an image to represent the notification when there is not enough space to display the * notification itself such as, for example, the Android Notification Bar. On Android devices, the badge should * accommodate devices up to 4x resolution, about 96 by 96 px, and the image will be automatically masked. * @param [body] A string representing an extra content to display within the notification. * @param [dir] The direction of the notification; it can be auto, ltr, or rtl. * @param [icon] The URL of an image to be used as an icon by the notification. * @param [image] A USVSTring containing the URL of an image to be displayed in the notification. * @param [lang] Specify the lang used within the notification. This string must be a valid BCP 47 language tag. * @param [renotify] A boolean that indicates whether to supress vibrations and audible alerts when resusing a tag * value. The default is false. * @param [requireInteraction] Indicates that on devices with sufficiently large screens, a notification should remain * active until the user clicks or dismisses it. If this value is absent or false, the desktop version of Chrome * will auto-minimize notifications after approximately twenty seconds. The default value is false. * @param [tag] An ID for a given notification that allows you to find, replace, or remove the notification using * script if necessary. * @param [vibrate] A vibration pattern to run with the display of the notification. A vibration pattern can be an * array with as few as one member. The values are times in milliseconds where the even indices (0, 2, 4, etc.) indicate * how long to vibrate and the odd indices indicate how long to pause. For example [300, 100, 400] would vibrate * 300ms, pause 100ms, then vibrate 400ms. * @param [data] Arbitrary data that you want associated with the notification. This can be of any data type. */ interface ServiceWorkerNotificationOptions { actions?: NotificationAction[]; badge?: string; body?: string; dir?: 'auto' | 'ltr' | 'rtl'; icon?: string; lang?: string; renotify?: boolean; requireInteraction?: boolean; tag?: string; vibrate?: number[]; data?: any; } /** * An options object that can contain options to filter notifications. * @param [tag] A DOMString representing a notification tag. If specified, only notifications that have this tag * will be returned. */ interface ServiceWorkerGetNotificationOptions { tag: string; } interface ServiceWorkerGlobalScope extends EventTarget { /** * Contains the CacheStorage object associated with the service worker. */ readonly caches: CacheStorage; /** * Contains the Clients object associated with the service worker. */ readonly clients: ServiceWorkerClients; /** * Contains the ServiceWorkerRegistration object that represents the * service worker's registration. */ readonly registration: ServiceWorkerRegistration; /** * An event handler fired whenever an activate event occurs — when a * ServiceWorkerRegistration acquires a new ServiceWorkerRegistration.active * worker. */ onactivate: (activateevent: ExtendableEvent) => void; /** * An event handler fired whenever a fetch event occurs — when a fetch() * is called. */ onfetch: (fetchevent: FetchEvent) => void; /** * An event handler fired whenever an install event occurs — when a * ServiceWorkerRegistration acquires a new * ServiceWorkerRegistration.installing worker. */ oninstall: (installevent: InstallEvent) => void; /** * An event handler fired whenever a message event occurs — when incoming * messages are received. Controlled pages can use the * MessagePort.postMessage() method to send messages to service workers. * The service worker can optionally send a response back via the * MessagePort exposed in event.data.port, corresponding to the controlled * page. * * `onmessage` is actually fired with `ExtendableMessageEvent`, but * since we are merging the interface into `Window`, we should * make sure it's compatible with `window.onmessage` */ // onmessage: (messageevent: ExtendableMessageEvent) => void; //onmessage: (messageevent: MessageEvent) => void; /** * An event handler fired whenever a notificationclick event occurs — when * a user clicks on a displayed notification. */ onnotificationclick: (notificationclickevent: NotificationEvent) => void; /** * An event handler fired whenever a push event occurs — when a server * push notification is received. */ onpush: (onpushevent: PushEvent) => void; /** * An event handler fired whenever a pushsubscriptionchange event occurs — * when a push subscription has been invalidated, or is about to be * invalidated (e.g. when a push service sets an expiration time). */ onpushsubscriptionchange: (pushsubscriptionchangeevent: PushEvent) => void; /** * Allows the current service worker registration to progress from waiting * to active state while service worker clients are using it. */ skipWaiting(): Promise; addEventListener( type: K, listener: (event: ServiceWorkerEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean ): void; } interface NotificationOptions { image?: string; data?: any; badge?: string; } // tslint:disable-next-line no-empty-interface interface Window extends ServiceWorkerGlobalScope {}