WEBVTT 00:08.744 --> 00:11.004 March 23, 380 in the time of the realm of humanity 00:23.974 --> 00:26.014 Isn't that the four-thirty bell? 00:29.264 --> 00:31.774 You're right. Is it that late already? 00:32.224 --> 00:34.024 Ronie and Tiese are late. 00:34.814 --> 00:38.114 They've never been late to clean before, have they? 00:41.734 --> 00:43.904 I have a bad feeling about this. 00:48.744 --> 00:51.334 I'll go check the primary trainees' dorm. 00:51.874 --> 00:55.964 They might be on their way here, so you stay and wait for them. 00:55.964 --> 00:58.334 Hey, Kirito, you should use the front— 01:01.424 --> 01:03.884 Jeez, he's always in such a rush. 01:18.984 --> 01:20.694 Thank goodness! We were worr— 01:25.614 --> 01:28.914 Um... are you Elite Disciple Eugeo? 01:30.034 --> 01:31.624 Yes. And you are? 01:31.624 --> 01:35.414 I-I'm Primary Trainee Frenica Cesky. 01:35.414 --> 01:39.124 I-I apologize for coming to see you without an appointment. 01:39.584 --> 01:42.594 But I just don't know what to do! 01:42.844 --> 01:45.264 You're... Frenica? 01:45.674 --> 01:53.264 Um, I know you've gone out of your way in regard to my issue with Lord Humbert Zizek. 01:53.264 --> 01:54.814 I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 01:56.854 --> 02:03.154 However, tonight, Lord Zizek has ordered me to... um... 02:03.864 --> 02:08.864 He's ordered me to perform a service that's difficult to explain. 02:11.744 --> 02:18.624 I-If he continues to give me these kinds of orders, I-I'd rather leave the academy! 02:18.624 --> 02:21.714 I confided in Tiese and Ronie about this. 02:21.714 --> 02:27.594 When they heard this, they said they'd go plead with him to spare me, and left the dorm. 02:28.014 --> 02:30.134 I've been waiting, but they still haven't returned. 02:30.134 --> 02:31.264 What? 02:32.724 --> 02:34.144 You wait here. 02:36.974 --> 02:39.104 So that was their goal all along? 02:39.734 --> 02:41.774 Not to target me, but Tiese and Ronie! 04:11.994 --> 04:15.994 Taboo Index 04:20.664 --> 04:22.334 Please come in. 04:35.304 --> 04:40.014 We just opened a 50-year-old bottle from the western empire, so why not join us? 04:40.224 --> 04:43.644 It's not something a commoner would ever get to taste. 04:51.194 --> 04:52.994 No, that's fine. 04:53.284 --> 04:54.784 Actually, Elite Disciple Zizek, 04:55.654 --> 04:59.954 I wanted to ask if my page, Primary Trainee Tiese Schtrinen, 05:00.374 --> 05:05.584 and Disciple Kirito's page, Primary Trainee Ronie Arabel, happened to visit your room? 05:08.134 --> 05:12.134 So those two are yours and Sir Kirito's pages? 05:12.514 --> 05:16.934 To suddenly visit the first-seat elite disciple, who stands at the pinnacle of the student body, 05:16.934 --> 05:22.434 as well as the second-seat elite disciple, they're certainly brave for primary trainees! 05:22.434 --> 05:24.894 No wonder they're your pages. 05:28.234 --> 05:31.024 That said, they do need to be careful. 05:31.024 --> 05:34.324 Assertiveness can sometimes be taken as rudeness or disrespect. 05:34.904 --> 05:38.164 Wouldn't you agree, Disciple Eugeo? 05:39.034 --> 05:41.914 I will hear your valued opinion another time. 05:42.084 --> 05:44.584 Where are Tiese and Ronie right now? 06:11.114 --> 06:12.274 What's this? 06:17.074 --> 06:17.614 Wh... 06:18.114 --> 06:20.574 What's the meaning of this, Lord Raios? 06:20.574 --> 06:24.084 These measures were unavoidable, Sir Eugeo. 06:24.084 --> 06:31.384 Since Primary Trainees Schtrinen and Arabel disrespected us to an outrageous degree. 06:31.964 --> 06:33.344 Disrespected how? 06:33.674 --> 06:39.384 These two lesser noble girls had the gall to accuse me, a fourth-rank nobleman, 06:39.384 --> 06:45.314 of needlessly abusing my own page and satisfying my own lust, offending me greatly. 06:45.644 --> 06:51.444 After all I've done as the second-seat elite disciple to guide Frenica down the proper path! 06:52.444 --> 06:55.524 And that's not all, Sir Eugeo. 06:55.524 --> 07:02.664 They made the absurd claim that as Humbert's roommate, I was just as accountable. 07:02.664 --> 07:07.624 I mean, the daughter of a mere sixth-rank noble asking me, the eldest son of a third-rank noble, 07:07.624 --> 07:10.124 "Have you no pride as a noble?" 07:10.124 --> 07:12.464 To have said such a thing... 07:16.054 --> 07:19.974 Still, Lord Raios, even if everything happened the way you described, 07:19.974 --> 07:22.304 binding them with ropes and locking them in your bedroom 07:22.804 --> 07:26.434 is surely a flagrant deviation from the disciple punishment authority! 07:26.434 --> 07:28.524 Disciple punishment authority? 07:29.274 --> 07:32.734 Have you forgotten what the academy rules say? 07:33.274 --> 07:38.614 That "regarding all punishment, higher law take precedence!" 07:42.784 --> 07:47.164 Higher law, as in the Taboo Index, not to mention the Basic Imperial Law. 07:47.164 --> 07:52.834 In other words, as a third-rank noble's eldest son, what I can exercise on those sixth-rank noble girls 07:52.834 --> 07:57.044 isn't the disciple punishment authority, but the nobles' judicial authority... 07:59.004 --> 08:02.094 ...as is my right! 08:04.094 --> 08:07.764 Hold still. I'm going to discipline you now. 08:17.984 --> 08:19.194 Stop it! 08:19.194 --> 08:20.484 Don't move, commoner! 08:21.904 --> 08:28.704 This is a lawful judgment by a noble according to the Basic Imperial Law and the Taboo Index. 08:28.704 --> 08:32.664 And to obstruct such a judgment is a serious criminal act. 08:33.004 --> 08:37.884 If you take even one step closer, you'll become a criminal who has broken the law. 08:38.134 --> 08:39.344 That's... 08:41.924 --> 08:42.974 My legs! 08:46.304 --> 08:47.894 No! No! 09:03.654 --> 09:06.664 Senpai! Senpai! 09:11.454 --> 09:16.044 After all, there are things you shouldn't do, even if it's not forbidden by law. 09:16.714 --> 09:18.214 On the other hand, 09:18.214 --> 09:22.964 there might be things you should do, even if they're forbidden by law. 09:30.974 --> 09:33.684 N-No! No! 09:33.894 --> 09:38.694 No! Help me! Help me, Eugeo-senpai! 09:38.694 --> 09:40.984 Eugeo-senpai! 09:41.194 --> 09:46.034 Tiese and Ronie worked up the courage to help their friend, 09:46.034 --> 09:48.914 only to be punished by such a cruel law. 09:50.574 --> 09:56.624 A law that can't deter Raios and Humbert, who ensnared them and are now about to defile them. 09:56.834 --> 10:00.084 If upholding such a law is the "right" thing to do... 10:01.924 --> 10:02.924 I... 10:03.964 --> 10:05.094 I... 10:19.404 --> 10:21.444 What's... this? 10:21.694 --> 10:24.904 No, this is the same as that time. 10:28.534 --> 10:32.034 Unforgivable. It's absolutely... 10:34.334 --> 10:35.704 ...unforgivable! 10:37.044 --> 10:40.174 No! No! Senpai! 11:12.244 --> 11:16.334 A-Arm... My arm is... bleeding! 11:16.334 --> 11:19.964 So much blood! My life is decreasing! 11:20.964 --> 11:23.044 Lord Raios, a sacred arts spell... 11:23.504 --> 11:26.344 No, a normal spell won't heal this in time! 11:26.344 --> 11:29.554 Your life! Please share some of your life! 11:38.724 --> 11:45.404 Magnificent! I've never seen anyone commit such a crime before. 11:48.114 --> 11:53.494 Though the nobles' judicial authority generally only applies to lesser nobles and tenant commoners, 11:56.084 --> 12:00.754 exceptions can be made for heinous criminals who've broken a Taboo! 12:06.134 --> 12:09.464 I've never cut off someone's head with my sword before. 12:09.464 --> 12:11.804 This will make me even more powerful! 12:13.684 --> 12:15.724 Disciple Eugeo... 12:15.934 --> 12:18.314 No, heinous criminal Eugeo! 12:18.894 --> 12:24.274 I, Raios Antinous, a third-rank nobleman's heir, in accordance with the nobles' judicial authority, 12:24.984 --> 12:26.524 shall now execute you! 12:41.044 --> 12:42.544 Kirito. 12:43.004 --> 12:44.504 Put away your sword, Raios! 12:44.794 --> 12:47.464 I won't let you hurt Eugeo! 12:49.384 --> 12:52.634 So you finally showed up, Disciple Kirito? 12:52.634 --> 12:55.594 However, you're a bit too late. 12:55.594 --> 12:59.684 That country bumpkin there is a heinous criminal who violated the Taboo Index! 12:59.684 --> 13:01.724 No, you stand back and watch. 13:01.974 --> 13:07.524 Just like those flowers that day, witness this criminal's head being cut off! 13:07.524 --> 13:10.154 I don't care about your taboos and noble rights! 13:10.574 --> 13:12.614 Eugeo's my friend. 13:12.614 --> 13:13.784 And you... 13:14.324 --> 13:17.074 are scum lower than the goblins from the land of darkness! 13:24.374 --> 13:29.674 To think that two country bumpkins would commit such grave crimes. 13:29.674 --> 13:33.054 This means I can get rid of you both at the same time. 13:33.264 --> 13:38.684 What a wonderful day! Surely this is the guidance of Stacia! 13:51.944 --> 13:53.324 It's fine. 14:09.584 --> 14:13.214 My secret skill will demolish that piece of junk! 14:13.214 --> 14:14.424 Come on then, Raios! 14:35.784 --> 14:38.534 How's that? How's that? 14:38.534 --> 14:45.204 As if I, Raios Antinous, would fail to keep up with a mere commoner like you! 14:51.084 --> 14:51.754 Kirito. 15:16.944 --> 15:23.874 Arms! My arms are... bleeding... They're bleeding! 15:26.954 --> 15:28.544 Humbert! 15:28.544 --> 15:31.294 Bleeding... Stop my bleeding! 15:31.584 --> 15:35.254 Untie your rope, and bind my arms instead! 15:35.884 --> 15:36.844 No! 15:36.844 --> 15:39.884 U-Untying it will reduce my life! 15:40.134 --> 15:42.804 That order is a violation of the Taboo Index! 15:42.804 --> 15:45.514 Taboo? But... 15:45.514 --> 15:48.684 My blood is... Humbert! 15:48.684 --> 15:50.774 You... Taboo... 15:50.774 --> 15:52.944 But... My life will... 15:55.064 --> 16:01.574 Taboo... Life... Blood! Taboo! 16:02.664 --> 16:12.964 Life... Blood... Taboo... Life... Taboo... Life... Taboo... 16:13.504 --> 16:14.834 Life... 16:14.834 --> 16:16.344 Use this to stop the bleeding. 16:17.254 --> 16:20.844 Life... Taboo... Life... Taboo... 16:47.034 --> 16:48.624 What was that? 16:48.914 --> 16:50.664 Did something happen to the Fluctlight? 16:55.214 --> 16:56.334 Lord Raios is... 16:56.634 --> 16:59.344 He's... He's... You... You... 17:00.344 --> 17:03.304 Murderer! Monster! 17:13.394 --> 17:14.644 I'm sorry. 17:17.194 --> 17:19.984 I'm sorry, Eugeo-senpai! 17:19.984 --> 17:22.534 It's... It's all my fault! 17:23.404 --> 17:26.034 No, it's not. You're not to blame. 17:26.204 --> 17:30.204 I... It's because I didn't think it through. 17:30.454 --> 17:31.874 You're not responsible. 17:32.124 --> 17:33.834 B-But... 17:34.794 --> 17:35.834 But... 17:36.044 --> 17:39.424 It's all right. After all, you and Ronie are safe. 17:39.884 --> 17:41.344 I'm the one who should apologize. 17:42.554 --> 17:45.304 Sorry. For subjecting you to such a horror. 18:12.744 --> 18:14.254 I've seen this before. 18:14.544 --> 18:17.624 Somewhere, long ago, I saw this before. 18:20.634 --> 18:22.254 Don't let Tiese and Ronie hear this! 18:23.424 --> 18:26.094 Singular unit detected. 18:26.094 --> 18:28.054 Tracing ID. 18:28.384 --> 18:30.304 Coordinates fixed. 18:30.304 --> 18:32.264 Report complete. 18:47.864 --> 18:51.204 Murderer! Monster! 18:51.494 --> 18:55.954 Now I'm just like those goblins. 19:01.634 --> 19:05.174 You're a human, Eugeo. Just like me. 19:05.174 --> 19:09.474 Every time you make a mistake, you continue to struggle to find its meaning. 19:09.934 --> 19:11.184 You're a human. 19:11.804 --> 19:12.934 Kirito. 19:52.094 --> 19:53.304 Come out. 20:00.144 --> 20:01.064 Come closer. 20:08.824 --> 20:12.324 System Call. Generate Luminous Element. 20:12.864 --> 20:15.034 Reconstruct Lost Organ. 20:18.794 --> 20:20.544 Try to open your eye. 20:20.544 --> 20:21.254 Yes. 20:28.424 --> 20:30.884 Thank you very much, Ms. Azurica! 20:30.884 --> 20:39.354 No, actually, Disciple Eugeo and Disciple Kirito, I need to hand you over to your escort. 20:39.524 --> 20:42.314 Before that, I'll say only this. 20:44.144 --> 20:45.734 Disciple Eugeo. 20:46.154 --> 20:49.404 You've broken a seal I was never able to break. 20:49.784 --> 20:53.574 Therefore, you should be able to go where I was never able to go. 20:54.204 --> 20:57.244 Believe in that sword, and in your friend. 20:58.624 --> 20:59.994 Disciple Kirito. 21:00.544 --> 21:04.674 I was never able to get to know who you really are. 21:05.374 --> 21:10.054 Nevertheless, when you reach that tower, something will definitely happen. 21:10.884 --> 21:15.844 I'll be here, praying that you'll find the light. 21:15.844 --> 21:16.934 Forever. 21:43.004 --> 21:48.044 I've seen this combination of blue and gold before somewhere. 21:49.674 --> 21:54.014 I am the overseer of the capital city of Centoria, an Integrity Knight of the Axiom Church... 22:04.434 --> 22:06.894 Alice Synthesis Thirty. 23:38.534 --> 23:41.574 Next time: Central Cathedral.