import AnimeNotifier from "../AnimeNotifier" import StatusMessage from "../StatusMessage" import { fetchWithProgress } from "../Utils/fetchWithProgress" // Select file export function selectFile(arn: AnimeNotifier, button: HTMLButtonElement) { if(button.dataset.endpoint === "/api/upload/cover" && !== "true") { alert("Please buy a PRO account to use this feature.") return } let fileType = button.dataset.type let endpoint = button.dataset.endpoint // Click on virtual file input element let input = document.createElement("input") input.setAttribute("type", "file") input.onchange = () => { let file = input.files[0] if(!file) { return } // Check mime type for images if(fileType === "image" && !file.type.startsWith("image/")) { arn.statusMessage.showError( + " is not an image file!") return } // Check mime type for videos if(fileType === "video" && !file.type.startsWith("video/webm")) { arn.statusMessage.showError( + " is not a WebM video file!") return } // Preview image if(fileType === "image") { let preview = document.getElementById( + "-preview") as HTMLImageElement if(preview) { previewImage(file, endpoint, preview) } } uploadFile(file, fileType, endpoint, arn) } } // Upload file function uploadFile(file: File, fileType: string, endpoint: string, arn: AnimeNotifier) { let reader = new FileReader() reader.onloadend = async () => { let fileSize = reader.result.byteLength let unit = "bytes" if(fileSize >= 1024) { fileSize /= 1024 unit = "KB" if(fileSize >= 1024) { fileSize /= 1024 unit = "MB" } } arn.statusMessage.showInfo(`Uploading ${fileType}...${fileSize.toFixed(0)} ${unit}`, -1) try { let responseText = await fetchWithProgress(endpoint, { method: "POST", credentials: "include", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream" }, body: reader.result }, e => { if(!e.lengthComputable) { return } let progress = e.loaded / * 100 arn.statusMessage.showInfo(`Uploading ${fileType}...${progress.toFixed(1)}%`, -1) }) arn.statusMessage.showInfo(`Successfully uploaded your new ${fileType}.`) if(endpoint === "/api/upload/avatar") { // We received the new avatar URL updateSideBarAvatar(responseText) } } catch(err) { arn.statusMessage.showError(`Failed uploading your new ${fileType}.`) console.error(err) } } arn.statusMessage.showInfo(`Reading ${fileType} from disk...`, -1) reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file) } // Preview image function previewImage(file: File, endpoint: string, preview: HTMLImageElement) { let reader = new FileReader() reader.onloadend = () => { if(endpoint === "/api/upload/avatar") { let svgPreview = document.getElementById("avatar-input-preview-svg") as HTMLImageElement if(svgPreview) { svgPreview.classList.add("hidden") } } preview.classList.remove("hidden") preview.src = reader.result } reader.readAsDataURL(file) } // Update sidebar avatar function updateSideBarAvatar(url: string) { let sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar") let userImage = sidebar.getElementsByClassName("user-image")[0] as HTMLImageElement let lazyLoad = userImage["became visible"] if(lazyLoad) { userImage.dataset.src = url lazyLoad() } else { location.reload() } }