package editor

import (

const maxImageEntries = 70

// LowResolutionAnimeImages filters anime with low resolution images.
func LowResolutionAnimeImages(ctx *aero.Context) string {
	return filterAnimeImages(ctx, "Anime with low resolution images", arn.AnimeImageLargeWidth, arn.AnimeImageLargeHeight)

// UltraLowResolutionAnimeImages filters anime with ultra low resolution images.
func UltraLowResolutionAnimeImages(ctx *aero.Context) string {
	return filterAnimeImages(ctx, "Anime with ultra low resolution images", arn.AnimeImageLargeWidth/2, arn.AnimeImageLargeHeight/2)

func filterAnimeImages(ctx *aero.Context, title string, minExpectedWidth int, minExpectedHeight int) string {
	year, _ := ctx.GetInt("year")
	animeType := ctx.Get("type")

	lowResAnime := arn.FilterAnime(func(anime *arn.Anime) bool {
		if year != 0 && year != anime.StartDateTime().Year() {
			return false

		if animeType != "" && anime.Type != animeType {
			return false

		return anime.Image.Width < minExpectedWidth || anime.Image.Height < minExpectedHeight

	// Sort

	// Limit
	count := len(lowResAnime)

	if count > maxImageEntries {
		lowResAnime = lowResAnime[:maxImageEntries]

	return ctx.HTML(components.AnimeEditorListFull(

func googleImageSearch(anime *arn.Anime) string {
	return "" + anime.Title.Canonical + " anime cover" + "&tbm=isch&tbs=imgo:1,isz:lt,islt:qsvga"

// // LowResolutionAnimeImages ...
// func LowResolutionAnimeImages(ctx *aero.Context) string {
// 	basePath := path.Join(arn.Root, "images/anime/original/")
// 	files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(basePath)

// 	if err != nil {
// 		return ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Error reading anime images directory", err)
// 	}

// 	lowResAnime := []*arn.Anime{}

// 	for _, file := range files {
// 		if file.IsDir() || strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), ".") {
// 			continue
// 		}

// 		fullPath := path.Join(basePath, file.Name())
// 		width, height, _ := getImageDimensions(fullPath)

// 		if width < arn.AnimeImageLargeWidth*2 || height < arn.AnimeImageLargeHeight*2 {
// 			animeID := file.Name()
// 			animeID = strings.TrimSuffix(animeID, filepath.Ext(animeID))

// 			anime, err := arn.GetAnime(animeID)

// 			if err == nil {
// 				lowResAnime = append(lowResAnime, anime)
// 			}
// 		}
// 	}

// 	// Sort
// 	arn.SortAnimeByQuality(lowResAnime)

// 	// Limit
// 	count := len(lowResAnime)

// 	if count > maxImageEntries {
// 		lowResAnime = lowResAnime[:maxImageEntries]
// 	}

// 	return ctx.HTML(components.AnimeEditorListFull(
// 		"Anime with low resolution images",
// 		lowResAnime,
// 		count,
// 		"/editor/anime/missing/hiresimage",
// 		func(anime *arn.Anime) string {
// 			return "" + anime.Title.Canonical + "&tbm=isch"
// 		},
// 	))
// }

// // getImageDimensions retrieves the dimensions for the given file path.
// func getImageDimensions(imagePath string) (int, int, error) {
// 	file, err := os.Open(imagePath)
// 	defer file.Close()

// 	if err != nil {
// 		return 0, 0, err
// 	}

// 	image, _, err := image.DecodeConfig(file)

// 	if err != nil {
// 		return 0, 0, err
// 	}

// 	return image.Width, image.Height, nil
// }