package arn // Threads ... func (user *User) Threads() []*Thread { threads := GetThreadsByUser(user) return threads } // // Posts ... // func (user *User) Posts() []*Post { // posts, _ := GetPostsByUser(user) // return posts // } // Settings ... func (user *User) Settings() *Settings { settings, _ := GetSettings(user.ID) return settings } // Analytics ... func (user *User) Analytics() *Analytics { analytics, _ := GetAnalytics(user.ID) return analytics } // AnimeList ... func (user *User) AnimeList() *AnimeList { animeList, _ := GetAnimeList(user.ID) return animeList } // PushSubscriptions ... func (user *User) PushSubscriptions() *PushSubscriptions { subs, _ := GetPushSubscriptions(user.ID) return subs } // Inventory ... func (user *User) Inventory() *Inventory { inventory, _ := GetInventory(user.ID) return inventory } // Notifications returns the list of user notifications. func (user *User) Notifications() *UserNotifications { notifications, _ := GetUserNotifications(user.ID) return notifications } // DraftIndex ... func (user *User) DraftIndex() *DraftIndex { draftIndex, _ := GetDraftIndex(user.ID) return draftIndex } // SoundTracks returns the soundtracks posted by the user. func (user *User) SoundTracks() []*SoundTrack { tracks := FilterSoundTracks(func(track *SoundTrack) bool { return !track.IsDraft && len(track.Media) > 0 && track.CreatedBy == user.ID }) return tracks }