package arn import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path" "" "" ) // AMV is an anime music video. type AMV struct { File string `json:"file" editable:"true" type:"upload" filetype:"video" endpoint:"/api/upload/amv/:id/file"` Title AMVTitle `json:"title" editable:"true"` MainAnimeID string `json:"mainAnimeId" editable:"true"` ExtraAnimeIDs []string `json:"extraAnimeIds" editable:"true"` VideoEditorIDs []string `json:"videoEditorIds" editable:"true"` Links []Link `json:"links" editable:"true"` Tags []string `json:"tags" editable:"true"` Info video.Info `json:"info"` hasID hasPosts hasCreator hasEditor hasLikes hasDraft } // Link returns the permalink for the AMV. func (amv *AMV) Link() string { return "/amv/" + amv.ID } // TitleByUser returns the preferred title for the given user. func (amv *AMV) TitleByUser(user *User) string { return amv.Title.ByUser(user) } // SetVideoBytes sets the bytes for the video file. func (amv *AMV) SetVideoBytes(data []byte) error { fileName := amv.ID + ".webm" filePath := path.Join(Root, "videos", "amvs", fileName) err := ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, data, 0644) if err != nil { return err } // Run mkclean optimizedFile := filePath + ".optimized" cmd := exec.Command( "mkclean", "--doctype", "4", "--keep-cues", "--optimize", filePath, optimizedFile, ) cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { return err } err = cmd.Wait() if err != nil { return err } // Now delete the original file and replace it with the optimized file err = os.Remove(filePath) if err != nil { return err } err = os.Rename(optimizedFile, filePath) if err != nil { return err } // Refresh video file info amv.File = fileName return amv.RefreshInfo() } // RefreshInfo refreshes the information about the video file. func (amv *AMV) RefreshInfo() error { if amv.File == "" { return fmt.Errorf("Video file has not been uploaded yet for AMV %s", amv.ID) } info, err := video.GetInfo(path.Join(Root, "videos", "amvs", amv.File)) if err != nil { return err } amv.Info = *info return nil } // MainAnime returns main anime for the AMV, if available. func (amv *AMV) MainAnime() *Anime { mainAnime, _ := GetAnime(amv.MainAnimeID) return mainAnime } // ExtraAnime returns main anime for the AMV, if available. func (amv *AMV) ExtraAnime() []*Anime { objects := DB.GetMany("Anime", amv.ExtraAnimeIDs) animes := []*Anime{} for _, obj := range objects { if obj == nil { continue } animes = append(animes, obj.(*Anime)) } return animes } // VideoEditors returns a slice of all the users involved in creating the AMV. func (amv *AMV) VideoEditors() []*User { objects := DB.GetMany("User", amv.VideoEditorIDs) editors := []*User{} for _, obj := range objects { if obj == nil { continue } editors = append(editors, obj.(*User)) } return editors } // Publish turns the draft into a published object. func (amv *AMV) Publish() error { // No title if amv.Title.String() == "" { return errors.New("AMV doesn't have a title") } // No anime found if amv.MainAnimeID == "" && len(amv.ExtraAnimeIDs) == 0 { return errors.New("Need to specify at least one anime") } // No file uploaded if amv.File == "" { return errors.New("You need to upload a WebM file for this AMV") } if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join(Root, "videos", "amvs", amv.File)); os.IsNotExist(err) { return errors.New("You need to upload a WebM file for this AMV") } return publish(amv) } // Unpublish turns the object back into a draft. func (amv *AMV) Unpublish() error { return unpublish(amv) } // OnLike is called when the AMV receives a like. func (amv *AMV) OnLike(likedBy *User) { if likedBy.ID == amv.CreatedBy { return } go func() { amv.Creator().SendNotification(&PushNotification{ Title: likedBy.Nick + " liked your AMV " + amv.Title.ByUser(amv.Creator()), Message: likedBy.Nick + " liked your AMV " + amv.Title.ByUser(amv.Creator()) + ".", Icon: "https:" + likedBy.AvatarLink("large"), Link: "" + likedBy.Link(), Type: NotificationTypeLike, }) }() } // String implements the default string serialization. func (amv *AMV) String() string { return amv.Title.ByUser(nil) } // TypeName returns the type name. func (amv *AMV) TypeName() string { return "AMV" } // Self returns the object itself. func (amv *AMV) Self() Loggable { return amv } // GetAMV returns the AMV with the given ID. func GetAMV(id string) (*AMV, error) { obj, err := DB.Get("AMV", id) if err != nil { return nil, err } return obj.(*AMV), nil } // StreamAMVs returns a stream of all AMVs. func StreamAMVs() <-chan *AMV { channel := make(chan *AMV, nano.ChannelBufferSize) go func() { for obj := range DB.All("AMV") { channel <- obj.(*AMV) } close(channel) }() return channel } // AllAMVs returns a slice of all AMVs. func AllAMVs() []*AMV { all := make([]*AMV, 0, DB.Collection("AMV").Count()) stream := StreamAMVs() for obj := range stream { all = append(all, obj) } return all } // FilterAMVs filters all AMVs by a custom function. func FilterAMVs(filter func(*AMV) bool) []*AMV { var filtered []*AMV for obj := range DB.All("AMV") { realObject := obj.(*AMV) if filter(realObject) { filtered = append(filtered, realObject) } } return filtered }