const soundtrack-margin = 1rem

	justify-content space-around

	flex 1
	flex-basis 500px
	margin soundtrack-margin 0

	// If text-shadow is enabled, the whole container will repaint.
	// We need to disable text-shadow to reduce re-painting.
			text-shadow none

> 500px
		margin soundtrack-margin
		margin-bottom media-bottom-margin

	box-shadow shadow-light
	min-height 200px
	border-radius ui-element-border-radius
	overflow hidden

		width 100%

	object-fit cover
	width 100%
	height 100%
	border-radius ui-element-border-radius
	filter brightness(100%)
	transition filter transition-speed ease

	position absolute
	top 50%
	left 50%
	transform translate(-50%, -50%)
	border-radius 50%
	width 92px
	height 92px
	font-size 3rem
	color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)
	background rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)
	pointer-events none
	box-shadow outline-shadow-medium

		transform translateX(27%)

	justify-content center
	align-items center
	pointer-events none
	position absolute
	top 0
	left 0
	width 100%
	height 100%
	opacity 0
	transition opacity 250ms ease

	width 3px
	height 15px
	margin 0.2rem
	border-radius 1px
	transition all 250ms linear
	animation scale-vertically 300ms infinite ease, change-color 1s infinite ease
	animation-direction alternate

	animation-delay 0

	animation-delay 100ms

	animation-delay 200ms

animation scale-vertically
		transform scaleY(0.3)
		opacity 0.8
		transform scaleY(1)
		opacity 1

animation change-color
		background-color hsl(45, 100%, 68%)
		background-color hsl(235, 100%, 68%)

	position absolute
	top 0
	left 0
	width 100%
	height 100%
	cursor pointer
	transition opacity 250ms ease

			opacity 0

			opacity 1

			filter brightness(0) !important

			color button-hover-color
			background button-hover-background

			filter brightness(50%)


	display none

> 800px
		display block

		border-bottom-right-radius 0
		border-top-right-radius 0

		border-bottom-left-radius 0
		border-top-left-radius 0

	width anime-image-medium-width
	height anime-image-medium-height
	border-radius ui-element-border-radius
	object-fit cover