component ProfileHeader(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User) .profile img.profile-cover(src=viewUser.CoverImageURL(), alt="Cover image") .image-container.mountable ProfileImage(viewUser) .intro-container.mountable h2#nick= viewUser.Nick if viewUser.Tagline != "" p.profile-field.tagline Icon("comment") span.tagline-text= viewUser.Tagline else p.profile-field.tagline Icon("comment") span.tagline-text No tagline yet. if viewUser.Website != "" Icon("home") a(href=viewUser.WebsiteURL(), target="_blank", rel="nofollow")= viewUser.Website if viewUser.Accounts.Osu.Nick != "" && viewUser.Accounts.Osu.PP >= 1000 p.profile-field.osu(title="osu! Level " + toString(int(viewUser.Accounts.Osu.Level)) + " | Accuracy: " + fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", viewUser.Accounts.Osu.Accuracy) + "%") Icon("trophy") a(href="" + viewUser.Accounts.Osu.Nick, target="_blank", rel="noopener")= toString(int(viewUser.Accounts.Osu.PP)) + " pp" //- if viewUser.dataEditCount //- p.profile-field.editor-contribution(title="Anime data modifications") //- Icon("edit") //- span= viewUser.dataEditCount if viewUser.Registered != "" p.profile-field.registration-date(title="Member since") Icon("calendar") //- span= time.Parse(time.RFC3339, viewUser.Registered) span= viewUser.RegisteredTime().Format("Jan 2006") //- span= monthNames[joined.getMonth()] + ' ' + joined.getFullYear() if viewUser.Role != "" p.profile-field.role Icon("rocket") span= arn.Capitalize(viewUser.Role) component Profile(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList, threads []*arn.Thread, posts []*arn.Post, tracks []*arn.SoundTrack) ProfileHeader(viewUser, user) .profile-category.mountable h3 a.ajax(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/animelist", title="View all anime") Anime .profile-watching-list if len(animeList.Items) == 0 p No anime in the collection. else each item in animeList.Items a.profile-watching-list-item.ajax(href=item.Anime().Link(), title=item.Anime().Title.Canonical + " (" + toString(item.Episodes) + " / " + arn.EpisodesToString(item.Anime().EpisodeCount) + ")") img.anime-cover-image.profile-watching-list-item-image.lazy(data-src=item.Anime().Image.Tiny, alt=item.Anime().Title.Canonical) .profile-category.mountable h3 a.ajax(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/threads", title="View all threads") Threads if len(threads) == 0 p No threads on the forum. else each thread in threads ThreadLink(thread) .profile-category.mountable h3 a.ajax(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/posts", title="View all posts") Posts if len(posts) == 0 p No posts on the forum. else each post in posts .post .post-author Avatar(post.Author()) .post-content div!= post.HTML() .spacer .post-likes= len(post.Likes) .profile-category.mountable h3 a.ajax(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/tracks", title="View all tracks") Tracks if len(tracks) == 0 p No soundtracks posted yet. else .sound-tracks each track in tracks SoundTrack(track) //- if user != nil && user.Role == "admin" //- .footer //- a(href="/api/user/" + viewUser.ID) User API