package shop

import (


var itemBuyMutex sync.Mutex

// BuyItem ...
func BuyItem(ctx *aero.Context) string {
	// Lock via mutex to prevent race conditions
	defer itemBuyMutex.Unlock()

	// Logged in user
	user := utils.GetUser(ctx)

	if user == nil {
		return ctx.Error(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Not logged in", nil)

	// Item ID and quantity
	itemID := ctx.Get("item")
	quantity, err := ctx.GetInt("quantity")

	if err != nil || quantity == 0 {
		return ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid item quantity", err)

	item, err := arn.GetShopItem(itemID)

	if err != nil {
		return ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Error fetching item data", err)

	// Calculate total price and subtract balance
	totalPrice := int(item.Price) * quantity

	if user.Balance < totalPrice {
		return ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "Not enough gems. You need to charge up your balance before you can buy this item.", nil)

	user.Balance -= totalPrice

	// Add item to user inventory
	inventory := user.Inventory()
	inventory.AddItem(itemID, uint(quantity))

	// Save purchase
	purchase := arn.NewPurchase(user.ID, itemID, quantity, int(item.Price), "gem")

	return "ok"