component Welcome(user *arn.User) .welcome if user.HasBasicInfo() h1.mountable Thanks! else h1.mountable Welcome! if !user.HasNick() p.welcome-text.mountable To start using, please enter a username. .mountable(data-api="/api/user/" + user.ID) //- [^\\W\\s\\d]{1,24}[A-Za-z]{1} InputText("Nick", user.CleanNick(), "Nick", "Your username on", 25) .footer.mountable p Only letters and underscore. else if !user.HasAvatar() p.welcome-text.mountable Add an avatar so people can recognize you. .mountable(data-api="/api/user/" + user.ID) AvatarInput(user) .footer.mountable p Recommended size: 560x560 (minimum: 280x280) else if user.Introduction == "" p.welcome-text.mountable Write a little introduction for your profile. .mountable(data-api="/api/user/" + user.ID) InputTextArea("Introduction", user.Introduction, "Introduction", "Tell us a little bit about yourself", 2000) .footer.mountable p Markdown allowed. else p.welcome-text.mountable You're ready to start using Anime Notifier! .buttons.mountable if len(user.AnimeList().Items) == 0 a.button(href="/settings/accounts") Icon("download") span Import anime list else a.button(href=user.Link()) Icon("user") span= user.Nick