import emptyPixel from "scripts/Utils/emptyPixel" import findAll from "scripts/Utils/findAll" import AnimeNotifier from "../AnimeNotifier" // Filter anime on explore page export function filterAnime(arn: AnimeNotifier, _: HTMLInputElement) { const root = document.getElementById("filter-root") as HTMLElement const elementYear = document.getElementById("filter-year") as HTMLSelectElement const elementSeason = document.getElementById("filter-season") as HTMLSelectElement const elementStatus = document.getElementById("filter-status") as HTMLSelectElement const elementType = document.getElementById("filter-type") as HTMLSelectElement for(const element of findAll("anime-grid-image")) { const img = element as HTMLImageElement img.src = emptyPixel img.classList.remove("element-found") img.classList.remove("element-color-preview") } const year = elementYear.value || "any" const season = elementSeason.value || "any" const status = elementStatus.value || "any" const type = elementType.value || "any" arn.diff(`${root.dataset.url}/${year}/${season}/${status}/${type}`) } // Toggle hiding added anime. export function toggleHideAddedAnime() { hideAddedAnime() } // Hides anime that are already in your list. export function hideAddedAnime() { for(const anime of findAll("anime-grid-cell")) { if(anime.dataset.added !== "true") { continue } anime.classList.toggle("anime-grid-cell-hide") } } // Hides anime that are not in your list. export async function calendarShowAddedAnimeOnly(arn: AnimeNotifier, element: HTMLInputElement) { const calendar = document.getElementById("calendar") if(!calendar || calendar.dataset.showAddedAnimeOnly === undefined) { return } // Toggling the switch will trigger the CSS rules if(calendar.dataset.showAddedAnimeOnly === "true") { calendar.dataset.showAddedAnimeOnly = "false" } else { calendar.dataset.showAddedAnimeOnly = "true" } // Save the state in the database const showAddedAnimeOnly = calendar.dataset.showAddedAnimeOnly === "true" const apiEndpoint = arn.findAPIEndpoint(element) try { await, { "Calendar.ShowAddedAnimeOnly": showAddedAnimeOnly }) } catch(err) { arn.statusMessage.showError(err) } }