import AnimeNotifier from "./AnimeNotifier" import { Anime } from "./Types/Anime" export default class AudioPlayer { arn: AnimeNotifier // Web audio audioContext: AudioContext audioNode: AudioBufferSourceNode gainNode: GainNode // Parameters volume = 0.5 volumeTimeConstant = 0.01 volumeSmoothingDelay = 0.05 targetSpeed = 1.0 playId = 0 // Save last request so that we can cancel it lastRequest: XMLHttpRequest // DOM elements audioPlayer: HTMLElement audioPlayerPlay: HTMLButtonElement audioPlayerPause: HTMLButtonElement trackLink: HTMLLinkElement animeInfo: HTMLElement animeLink: HTMLLinkElement animeImage: HTMLImageElement constructor(arn: AnimeNotifier) { this.arn = arn this.audioPlayer = document.getElementById("audio-player") this.audioPlayerPlay = document.getElementById("audio-player-play") as HTMLButtonElement this.audioPlayerPause = document.getElementById("audio-player-pause") as HTMLButtonElement this.trackLink = document.getElementById("audio-player-track-title") as HTMLLinkElement this.animeInfo = document.getElementById("audio-player-anime-info") as HTMLElement this.animeLink = document.getElementById("audio-player-anime-link") as HTMLLinkElement this.animeImage = document.getElementById("audio-player-anime-image") as HTMLImageElement } // Play audio file play(trackId: string, trackUrl: string) { if(!this.audioContext) { this.audioContext = new AudioContext() this.gainNode = this.audioContext.createGain() this.gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(this.volume, this.audioContext.currentTime + this.volumeSmoothingDelay, this.volumeTimeConstant) } this.playId++ let currentPlayId = this.playId if(this.lastRequest) { this.lastRequest.abort() this.lastRequest = null } // Stop current track this.stop() this.arn.currentSoundTrackId = trackId this.arn.markPlayingSoundTrack() this.arn.loading(true) // Mark as loading this.audioPlayer.classList.add("loading-network") this.audioPlayer.classList.remove("decoding-audio") this.audioPlayer.classList.remove("decoded") // Request let request = new XMLHttpRequest()"GET", trackUrl, true) request.responseType = "arraybuffer" request.onload = () => { if(currentPlayId !== this.playId) { return } // Mark as loading finished, now decoding starts this.audioPlayer.classList.add("decoding-audio") this.arn.loading(false) this.audioContext.decodeAudioData(request.response, async buffer => { if(currentPlayId !== this.playId) { return } // Mark as ready this.audioPlayer.classList.add("decoded") this.audioNode = this.audioContext.createBufferSource() this.audioNode.buffer = buffer this.audioNode.connect(this.gainNode) this.gainNode.connect(this.audioContext.destination) this.audioNode.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(this.targetSpeed, 0) this.audioNode.start(0) this.audioNode.onended = (event: MediaStreamErrorEvent) => { if(currentPlayId !== this.playId) { return } } }, console.error) } request.onerror = () => { this.arn.loading(false) } this.lastRequest = request request.send() // Update track info this.updateTrackInfo(trackId) // Show audio player this.audioPlayer.classList.remove("fade-out") this.audioPlayerPlay.classList.add("fade-out") this.audioPlayerPause.classList.remove("fade-out") } // Pause pause() { if(!this.audioNode || !this.audioContext || this.audioContext.state === "suspended") { return } this.audioNode.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(0.0, 0) this.audioContext.suspend() this.audioPlayerPlay.classList.remove("fade-out") this.audioPlayerPause.classList.add("fade-out") } // Resume resume() { if(!this.audioNode) { return } if(!this.audioContext || this.audioContext.state === "running") { return } this.audioNode.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(this.targetSpeed, 0) this.audioContext.resume() this.audioPlayerPlay.classList.add("fade-out") this.audioPlayerPause.classList.remove("fade-out") } // Stop stop() { this.arn.currentSoundTrackId = undefined // Remove CSS class "playing" let playingElements = document.getElementsByClassName("playing") for(let playing of playingElements) { playing.classList.remove("playing") } // Fade out sidebar player // audioPlayer.classList.add("fade-out") // Remove title this.trackLink.href = "" this.trackLink.innerText = "" // Hide anime info this.animeLink.href = "" this.animeInfo.classList.add("hidden") this.animeImage.classList.add("hidden") // Show play button this.audioPlayerPlay.classList.remove("fade-out") this.audioPlayerPause.classList.add("fade-out") if(this.gainNode) { this.gainNode.disconnect() } if(this.audioNode) { this.audioNode.stop() this.audioNode.disconnect() this.audioNode = null } } // Previous track previous() { this.arn.statusMessage.showInfo("Previous track feature is currently work in progress! Check back later :)") } // Next track async next() { // Get random track let response = await fetch("/api/next/soundtrack") let track = await response.json(), "" + track.file) // arn.statusMessage.showInfo("Now playing: " + track.title) return track } // Set volume setVolume(volume: number) { if(!this.gainNode) { return } this.gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(volume, this.audioContext.currentTime + this.volumeSmoothingDelay, this.volumeTimeConstant) } // Add speed addSpeed(speed: number) { if(!this.audioNode || this.audioNode.playbackRate.value === 0) { return } this.targetSpeed += speed if(this.targetSpeed < 0.5) { this.targetSpeed = 0.5 } else if(this.targetSpeed > 2) { this.targetSpeed = 2 } this.audioNode.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(this.targetSpeed, 0) this.arn.statusMessage.showInfo("Playback speed: " + Math.round(this.targetSpeed * 100) + "%") } // Play or pause playPause() { if(!this.audioNode) { return } if(this.audioNode.playbackRate.value === 0) { this.resume() } else { this.pause() } } // Update track info async updateTrackInfo(trackId: string) { // Set track title let trackInfoResponse = await fetch("/api/soundtrack/" + trackId) let track = await trackInfoResponse.json() this.trackLink.href = "/soundtrack/" + this.trackLink.innerText = track.title let animeId = "" for(let tag of (track.tags as string[])) { if(tag.startsWith("anime:")) { animeId = tag.split(":")[1] break } } // Set anime info if(animeId !== "") { this.animeInfo.classList.remove("hidden") let animeResponse = await fetch("/api/anime/" + animeId) let anime = await animeResponse.json() as Anime this.animeLink.title = anime.title.canonical this.animeLink.href = "/anime/" + this.animeImage.dataset.src = "//" + + ".jpg?" + anime.image.lastModified.toString() this.animeImage.classList.remove("hidden") this.animeImage["became visible"]() } } }