package arn import ( "errors" "fmt" "sort" "" "" ) // Quote is a quote made by a character in an anime. type Quote struct { Text QuoteText `json:"text" editable:"true"` CharacterID string `json:"characterId" editable:"true"` AnimeID AnimeID `json:"animeId" editable:"true"` EpisodeNumber int `json:"episode" editable:"true"` Time int `json:"time" editable:"true"` hasID hasPosts hasCreator hasEditor hasLikes hasDraft } // IsMainQuote returns true if the quote is the main quote of the character. func (quote *Quote) IsMainQuote() bool { return quote.CharacterID != "" && quote.Character().MainQuoteID == quote.ID } // TitleByUser returns the preferred title for the given user. func (quote *Quote) TitleByUser(user *User) string { character := quote.Character() if character == nil { return "Quote" } return fmt.Sprintf("%s's quote", character.Name.ByUser(user)) } // Link returns a single quote. func (quote *Quote) Link() string { return "/quote/" + quote.ID } // Publish checks the quote and publishes it when no errors were found. func (quote *Quote) Publish() error { // No quote text if quote.Text.English == "" { return errors.New("English quote text is required") } // No character if quote.CharacterID == "" { return errors.New("A character is required") } // No anime if quote.AnimeID == "" { return errors.New("An anime is required") } // // No episode number // if quote.EpisodeNumber == -1 { // return errors.New("An episode number is required") // } // // No time // if quote.Time == -1 { // return errors.New("Time in minutes is required") // } // Invalid anime ID anime := quote.Anime() if anime == nil { return errors.New("Invalid anime ID") } // Invalid character ID character := quote.Character() if character == nil { return errors.New("Invalid character ID") } // Invalid episode number maxEpisodes := anime.EpisodeCount if maxEpisodes != 0 && quote.EpisodeNumber > maxEpisodes { return errors.New("Invalid episode number") } return publish(quote) } // Unpublish ... func (quote *Quote) Unpublish() error { return unpublish(quote) } // TypeName returns the type name. func (quote *Quote) TypeName() string { return "Quote" } // Self returns the object itself. func (quote *Quote) Self() Loggable { return quote } // OnLike is called when the quote receives a like. func (quote *Quote) OnLike(likedBy *User) { if !quote.IsValid() { color.Red("Invalid quote: %s", quote.ID) return } if likedBy.ID == quote.CreatedBy { return } if !quote.Creator().Settings().Notification.QuoteLikes { return } go func() { quote.Creator().SendNotification(&PushNotification{ Title: likedBy.Nick + " liked your " + quote.Character().Name.Canonical + " quote", Message: quote.Text.English, Icon: "https:" + likedBy.AvatarLink("large"), Link: "" + likedBy.Link(), Type: NotificationTypeLike, }) }() } // IsValid tests the field values and returns true if everything is okay. func (quote *Quote) IsValid() bool { return quote.Character() != nil && quote.Anime() != nil && quote.Creator() != nil } // String implements the default string serialization. func (quote *Quote) String() string { return quote.Text.English } // GetQuote returns a single quote. func GetQuote(id string) (*Quote, error) { obj, err := DB.Get("Quote", id) if err != nil { return nil, err } return obj.(*Quote), nil } // StreamQuotes returns a stream of all quotes. func StreamQuotes() <-chan *Quote { channel := make(chan *Quote, nano.ChannelBufferSize) go func() { for obj := range DB.All("Quote") { channel <- obj.(*Quote) } close(channel) }() return channel } // AllQuotes returns a slice of all quotes. func AllQuotes() []*Quote { all := make([]*Quote, 0, DB.Collection("Quote").Count()) stream := StreamQuotes() for obj := range stream { all = append(all, obj) } return all } // Character returns the character cited in the quote func (quote *Quote) Character() *Character { character, _ := GetCharacter(quote.CharacterID) return character } // Anime fetches the anime where the quote is said. func (quote *Quote) Anime() *Anime { anime, err := GetAnime(quote.AnimeID) if err != nil && !quote.IsDraft { color.Red("Error fetching anime: %v", err) } return anime } // SortQuotesLatestFirst ... func SortQuotesLatestFirst(quotes []*Quote) { sort.Slice(quotes, func(i, j int) bool { return quotes[i].Created > quotes[j].Created }) } // SortQuotesPopularFirst ... func SortQuotesPopularFirst(quotes []*Quote) { sort.Slice(quotes, func(i, j int) bool { aLikes := len(quotes[i].Likes) bLikes := len(quotes[j].Likes) if aLikes == bLikes { return quotes[i].Created > quotes[j].Created } return aLikes > bLikes }) } // FilterQuotes filters all quotes by a custom function. func FilterQuotes(filter func(*Quote) bool) []*Quote { var filtered []*Quote for obj := range StreamQuotes() { if filter(obj) { filtered = append(filtered, obj) } } return filtered }