Added back offline mode
This commit is contained in:
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ export default class AnimeNotifier {
// Offline message
if(navigator.onLine === false) {
this.statusMessage.showError("You are viewing an offline version of the site now.")
this.statusMessage.showInfo("You are viewing an offline version of the site now.")
// Notification manager
@ -424,14 +424,13 @@ export default class AnimeNotifier {
reloadContent(cached?: boolean) {
let headers = new Headers()
if(!cached) {
headers.append("X-Reload", "true")
if(cached) {
headers.set("X-Force-Cache", "true")
} else {
headers.append("X-CacheOnly", "true")
headers.set("X-No-Cache", "true")
let path =
this.lastReloadContentPath = path
let path = this.lastReloadContentPath =
return fetch("/_" + path, {
credentials: "same-origin",
@ -27,43 +27,47 @@
// to force a real page reload.
// Promises
const CACHEREFRESH = new Map<string, Promise<void>>()
// const CACHEREFRESH = new Map<string, Promise<void>>()
// E-Tags that we served for a given URL
const ETAGS = new Map<string, string>()
// When these patterns are matched for the request URL, we exclude them from being
// served cache-first and instead serve them via a network request.
// Note that the service worker URL is automatically excluded from fetch events
// and therefore doesn't need to be added here.
const EXCLUDECACHE = new Set<string>([
// API requests
// PayPal stuff
// List imports
// Infinite scrolling
// Chrome extension
// Authorization paths /auth/ and /logout are not listed here because they are handled in a special way.
// const ETAGS = new Map<string, string>()
// MyServiceWorker is the process that controls all the tabs in a browser.
class MyServiceWorker {
cache: MyCache
reloads: Map<string, Promise<Response>>
excludeCache: Set<string>
constructor() {
this.cache = new MyCache("v-6")
this.reloads = new Map<string, Promise<Response>>()
// When these patterns are matched for the request URL, we exclude them from being
// served cache-first and instead serve them via a network request.
// Note that the service worker URL is automatically excluded from fetch events
// and therefore doesn't need to be added here.
this.excludeCache = new Set<string>([
// API requests
// PayPal stuff
// List imports
// Infinite scrolling
// Chrome extension
// WebM files
// Authorization paths /auth/ and /logout are not listed here because they are handled in a special way.
self.addEventListener("install", (evt: InstallEvent) => evt.waitUntil(this.onInstall(evt)))
self.addEventListener("activate", (evt: any) => evt.waitUntil(this.onActivate(evt)))
self.addEventListener("fetch", (evt: FetchEvent) => evt.waitUntil(this.onRequest(evt)))
@ -73,12 +77,11 @@ class MyServiceWorker {
self.addEventListener("notificationclick", (evt: NotificationEvent) => evt.waitUntil(this.onNotificationClick(evt)))
onInstall(evt: InstallEvent) {
async onInstall(evt: InstallEvent) {
console.log("service worker install")
return self.skipWaiting().then(() => {
return this.installCache()
await self.skipWaiting()
await this.installCache()
onActivate(evt: any) {
@ -104,97 +107,111 @@ class MyServiceWorker {
// onRequest intercepts all browser requests
onRequest(evt: FetchEvent) {
// Allow XHR upload requests via POST,
// onRequest intercepts all browser requests.
// Simply returning, without calling evt.respondWith(),
// will let the browser deal with the request normally.
async onRequest(evt: FetchEvent) {
let request = evt.request as Request
// If it's not a GET request, fetch it normally.
// Let the browser handle XHR upload requests via POST,
// so that we can receive upload progress events.
if(evt.request.method === "POST") {
if(request.method !== "GET") {
// DevTools opening will trigger these "only-if-cached" requests.
if((evt.request.cache as string) === "only-if-cached" && evt.request.mode !== "same-origin") {
if((request.cache as string) === "only-if-cached" && request.mode !== "same-origin") {
// Fetch via network
return evt.respondWith(fetch(evt.request))
// Exclude certain URLs from being cached.
for(let pattern of this.excludeCache.keys()) {
if(request.url.includes(pattern)) {
// let request = evt.request as Request
// If the request has cache set to "force-cache", return a cache-only response.
// This is used in reloads to avoid generating a 2nd request after a cache refresh.
if(request.headers.get("X-Force-Cache") === "true") {
return evt.respondWith(this.cache.serve(request))
// // If it's not a GET request, fetch it normally
// if(request.method !== "GET") {
// return evt.respondWith(this.fromNetwork(request))
// }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cross-origin requests.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Clear cache on authentication and fetch it normally
// if(request.url.includes("/auth/") || request.url.includes("/logout")) {
// return evt.respondWith(caches.delete(this.cache.version).then(() => fetch(request)))
// }
// These hosts don't support CORS. Always load via network.
if(request.url.startsWith("")) {
// // Exclude certain URLs from being cached
// for(let pattern of EXCLUDECACHE.keys()) {
// if(request.url.includes(pattern)) {
// return evt.respondWith(this.fromNetwork(request))
// }
// }
// Use CORS for cross-origin requests.
if(!request.url.startsWith("") && !request.url.startsWith("")) {
request = new Request(request.url, {
credentials: "omit",
mode: "cors"
} else {
// let relativePath = trimPrefix(request.url, "")
// relativePath = trimPrefix(relativePath, "")
// console.log(relativePath)
// // If the request included the header "X-CacheOnly", return a cache-only response.
// // This is used in reloads to avoid generating a 2nd request after a cache refresh.
// if(request.headers.get("X-CacheOnly") === "true") {
// return evt.respondWith(this.fromCache(request))
// }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Network refresh.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Save the served E-Tag when onResponse is called
// let servedETag = undefined
// Save response in cache.
let saveResponseInCache = response => {
// Save response in cache.
let clone = response.clone()
||||, clone)
// let onResponse = (response: Response | null) => {
// if(response) {
// servedETag = response.headers.get("ETag")
// ETAGS.set(request.url, servedETag)
// }
return response
// return response
// }
let onResponse = (response: Response | null) => {
return response
// let saveResponseInCache = response => {
// let clone = response.clone()
// Refresh resource via a network request.
let refresh = fetch(request).then(saveResponseInCache)
// // Save the new version of the resource in the cache
// let cacheRefresh =, clone).catch(err => {
// console.error(err)
// // TODO: Tell client that the quota is exceeded (disk full).
// })
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Final response.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CACHEREFRESH.set(request.url, cacheRefresh)
// return response
// }
// Clear cache on authentication and fetch it normally.
if(request.url.includes("/auth/") || request.url.includes("/logout")) {
return evt.respondWith(this.cache.clear().then(() => refresh))
// // Start fetching the request
// let network =
// fetch(request)
// .then(saveResponseInCache)
// .catch(error => {
// console.log("Fetch error:", error)
// throw error
// })
// If the request has cache set to "no-cache",
// return the network-only response even if it fails.
if(request.headers.get("X-No-Cache") === "true") {
return evt.respondWith(refresh)
// // Save in map
// this.reloads.set(request.url, network)
// Styles and scripts will be served via network first and fallback to cache.
if(request.url.endsWith("/styles") || request.url.endsWith("/scripts")) {
evt.respondWith(this.networkFirst(request, refresh, onResponse))
return refresh
// if(request.headers.get("X-Reload") === "true") {
// return evt.respondWith(network)
// }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default behavior for most requests.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Scripts and styles are server pushed on the initial response
// // so we can use a network-first response without an additional round-trip.
// // This causes the browser to always load the most recent scripts and styles.
// if(request.url.endsWith("/styles") || request.url.endsWith("/scripts")) {
// return evt.respondWith(this.networkFirst(request, network, onResponse))
// }
// // Respond via cache first.
// evt.respondWith(this.cacheFirst(request, refresh, onResponse))
// return refresh
// return evt.respondWith(this.cacheFirst(request, network, onResponse))
// Serve via network first and fallback to cache.
evt.respondWith(this.networkFirst(request, refresh, onResponse))
return refresh
// onMessage is called when the service worker receives a message from a client (browser tab).
@ -249,9 +266,8 @@ class MyServiceWorker {
let user = await fetch("/api/me", {
credentials: "same-origin"
}).then(response => response.json())
let response = await fetch("/api/me", {credentials: "same-origin"})
let user = await response.json()
return fetch("/api/pushsubscriptions/" + + "/add", {
method: "POST",
@ -296,13 +312,30 @@ class MyServiceWorker {
// installCache is called when the service worker is installed for the first time.
installCache() {
return => {
return cache.addAll([
async installCache() {
let urls = [
let promises = []
for(let url of urls) {
let request = new Request(url, {
credentials: "same-origin",
mode: "cors"
let promise = fetch(request).then(response =>, response))
return Promise.all(promises)
// Serve network first.
@ -312,14 +345,14 @@ class MyServiceWorker {
try {
response = await network
console.log("Network HIT:", request.url)
// console.log("Network HIT:", request.url)
} catch(error) {
console.log("Network MISS:", request.url, error)
// console.log("Network MISS:", request.url, error)
try {
response = await this.fromCache(request)
response = await this.cache.serve(request)
} catch(error) {
return Promise.reject(error)
@ -332,52 +365,74 @@ class MyServiceWorker {
let response: Response | null
try {
response = await this.fromCache(request)
console.log("Cache HIT:", request.url)
response = await this.cache.serve(request)
// console.log("Cache HIT:", request.url)
} catch(error) {
console.log("Cache MISS:", request.url, error)
// console.log("Cache MISS:", request.url, error)
try {
response = await network
} catch(error) {
return Promise.reject(error)
return onResponse(response)
fromCache(request): Promise<Response> {
return => {
return cache.match(request).then(matching => {
if(matching) {
return Promise.resolve(matching)
return Promise.reject("no-match")
// MyCache is the cache used by the service worker.
class MyCache {
version: string
cache: Cache
constructor(version: string) {
this.version = version
|||| => this.cache = newCache)
store(request: RequestInfo, response: Response) {
return => {
clear() {
return caches.delete(this.version)
async store(request: RequestInfo, response: Response) {
try {
// This can fail if the disk space quota has been exceeded.
return cache.put(request, response)
await this.cache.put(request, response)
} catch(err) {
console.log("Disk quota exceeded, can't store in cache:", request, response)
async serve(request: RequestInfo): Promise<Response> {
let matching = await this.cache.match(request)
if(matching) {
return matching
return Promise.reject("no-match")
// MyClient represents a single tab in the browser.
class MyClient {
// MyClient.idToClient is a Map of clients
static idToClient = new Map<string, MyClient>()
// MyClient.get retrieves a client by ID
static async get(id: string): Promise<MyClient> {
let client = MyClient.idToClient.get(id)
if(!client) {
client = new MyClient(await self.clients.get(id))
MyClient.idToClient.set(id, client)
return client
// The actual client
client: ServiceWorkerClient
constructor(client: ServiceWorkerClient) {
@ -398,6 +453,7 @@ class MyClient {
// postMessage sends a message to the client.
postMessage(message: object) {
@ -405,116 +461,18 @@ class MyClient {
// onDOMContentLoaded is called when the client sent this service worker
// a message that the page has been loaded.
onDOMContentLoaded(url: string) {
// let refresh = serviceWorker.reloads.get(url)
// let servedETag = ETAGS.get(url)
// // If the user requests a sub-page we should prefetch the full page, too.
// if(url.includes("/_/") && !url.includes("/_/search/")) {
// var prefetch = true
// for(let pattern of EXCLUDECACHE.keys()) {
// if(url.includes(pattern)) {
// prefetch = false
// break
// }
// }
// if(prefetch) {
// this.prefetchFullPage(url)
// }
// }
// if(!refresh || !servedETag) {
// return Promise.resolve()
// }
// return refresh.then(async (response: Response) => {
// // When the actual network request was used by the client, response.bodyUsed is set.
// // In that case the client is already up to date and we don"t need to tell the client to do a refresh.
// if(response.bodyUsed) {
// return
// }
// // Get the ETag of the cached response we sent to the client earlier.
// let eTag = response.headers.get("ETag")
// // Update ETag
// ETAGS.set(url, eTag)
// // If the ETag changed, we need to do a reload.
// if(eTag !== servedETag) {
// return this.reloadContent(url)
// }
// // Do nothing
// return Promise.resolve()
// })
// prefetchFullPage(url: string) {
// let fullPage = new Request(url.replace("/_/", "/"))
// let fullPageRefresh = fetch(fullPage, {
// credentials: "same-origin"
// }).then(response => {
// // Save the new version of the resource in the cache
// let cacheRefresh = => {
// return cache.put(fullPage, response)
// })
// CACHEREFRESH.set(fullPage.url, cacheRefresh)
// return response
// })
// // Save in map
// serviceWorker.reloads.set(fullPage.url, fullPageRefresh)
// }
// async reloadContent(url: string) {
// let cacheRefresh = CACHEREFRESH.get(url)
// if(cacheRefresh) {
// await cacheRefresh
// }
// return this.postMessage({
// type: "new content",
// url
// })
// }
// async reloadPage(url: string) {
// let networkFetch = serviceWorker.reloads.get(url.replace("/_/", "/"))
// if(networkFetch) {
// await networkFetch
// }
// return this.postMessage({
// type: "reload page",
// url
// })
// }
// reloadStyles() {
// return this.postMessage({
// type: "reload styles"
// })
// }
// Map of clients
static idToClient = new Map<string, MyClient>()
static async get(id: string): Promise<MyClient> {
let client = MyClient.idToClient.get(id)
if(!client) {
client = new MyClient(await self.clients.get(id))
MyClient.idToClient.set(id, client)
return client
// ...
// trimPrefix removes the prefix from the text.
function trimPrefix(text, prefix) {
if(text.startsWith(prefix)) {
return text.slice(prefix.length)
return text
// Initialize the service worker
const serviceWorker = new MyServiceWorker()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
// pack:ignore
// onDOMContentLoaded(url: string) {
// let refresh = serviceWorker.reloads.get(url)
// let servedETag = ETAGS.get(url)
// // If the user requests a sub-page we should prefetch the full page, too.
// if(url.includes("/_/") && !url.includes("/_/search/")) {
// var prefetch = true
// for(let pattern of EXCLUDECACHE.keys()) {
// if(url.includes(pattern)) {
// prefetch = false
// break
// }
// }
// if(prefetch) {
// this.prefetchFullPage(url)
// }
// }
// if(!refresh || !servedETag) {
// return Promise.resolve()
// }
// return refresh.then(async (response: Response) => {
// // When the actual network request was used by the client, response.bodyUsed is set.
// // In that case the client is already up to date and we don"t need to tell the client to do a refresh.
// if(response.bodyUsed) {
// return
// }
// // Get the ETag of the cached response we sent to the client earlier.
// let eTag = response.headers.get("ETag")
// // Update ETag
// ETAGS.set(url, eTag)
// // If the ETag changed, we need to do a reload.
// if(eTag !== servedETag) {
// return this.reloadContent(url)
// }
// // Do nothing
// return Promise.resolve()
// })
// }
// prefetchFullPage(url: string) {
// let fullPage = new Request(url.replace("/_/", "/"))
// let fullPageRefresh = fetch(fullPage, {
// credentials: "same-origin"
// }).then(response => {
// // Save the new version of the resource in the cache
// let cacheRefresh = => {
// return cache.put(fullPage, response)
// })
// CACHEREFRESH.set(fullPage.url, cacheRefresh)
// return response
// })
// // Save in map
// serviceWorker.reloads.set(fullPage.url, fullPageRefresh)
// }
// async reloadContent(url: string) {
// let cacheRefresh = CACHEREFRESH.get(url)
// if(cacheRefresh) {
// await cacheRefresh
// }
// return this.postMessage({
// type: "new content",
// url
// })
// }
// async reloadPage(url: string) {
// let networkFetch = serviceWorker.reloads.get(url.replace("/_/", "/"))
// if(networkFetch) {
// await networkFetch
// }
// return this.postMessage({
// type: "reload page",
// url
// })
// }
// reloadStyles() {
// return this.postMessage({
// type: "reload styles"
// })
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// pack:ignore
// // Clear cache on authentication and fetch it normally
// if(request.url.includes("/auth/") || request.url.includes("/logout")) {
// return evt.respondWith(caches.delete(this.cache.version).then(() => fetch(request)))
// }
// // Exclude certain URLs from being cached
// for(let pattern of EXCLUDECACHE.keys()) {
// if(request.url.includes(pattern)) {
// return evt.respondWith(this.fromNetwork(request))
// }
// }
// // If the request included the header "X-CacheOnly", return a cache-only response.
// // This is used in reloads to avoid generating a 2nd request after a cache refresh.
// if(request.headers.get("X-CacheOnly") === "true") {
// return evt.respondWith(this.fromCache(request))
// }
// // Save the served E-Tag when onResponse is called
// let servedETag = undefined
// let onResponse = (response: Response | null) => {
// if(response) {
// servedETag = response.headers.get("ETag")
// ETAGS.set(request.url, servedETag)
// }
// return response
// }
// let saveResponseInCache = response => {
// let clone = response.clone()
// // Save the new version of the resource in the cache
// let cacheRefresh =, clone).catch(err => {
// console.error(err)
// // TODO: Tell client that the quota is exceeded (disk full).
// })
// CACHEREFRESH.set(request.url, cacheRefresh)
// return response
// }
// // Start fetching the request
// let network =
// fetch(request)
// .then(saveResponseInCache)
// .catch(error => {
// console.log("Fetch error:", error)
// throw error
// })
// // Save in map
// this.reloads.set(request.url, network)
// if(request.headers.get("X-Reload") === "true") {
// return evt.respondWith(network)
// }
// // Scripts and styles are server pushed on the initial response
// // so we can use a network-first response without an additional round-trip.
// // This causes the browser to always load the most recent scripts and styles.
// if(request.url.endsWith("/styles") || request.url.endsWith("/scripts")) {
// return evt.respondWith(this.networkFirst(request, network, onResponse))
// }
// return evt.respondWith(this.cacheFirst(request, network, onResponse))
@ -36,22 +36,22 @@ export default class ServiceWorkerManager {
let message = {
type: "loaded",
url: ""
let url = ""
// If mainPageLoaded is set, it means every single request is now an AJAX request for the /_/ prefixed page
if(this.arn.mainPageLoaded) {
message.url = window.location.origin + "/_" + window.location.pathname
url = window.location.origin + "/_" + window.location.pathname
} else {
this.arn.mainPageLoaded = true
message.url = window.location.href
url = window.location.href
// console.log("checking for updates:", message.url)
type: "loaded",
url: ""
// For future loaded events
Reference in New Issue
Block a user