Disable old profile pages

This commit is contained in:
2018-11-24 15:57:52 +09:00
parent 5668c66b31
commit cfb481df52
18 changed files with 280 additions and 283 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
component ProfileForumTabs(viewUser *arn.User)
Tab("Threads", "list", "/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/forum/threads")
Tab("Posts", "comments", "/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/forum/posts")
//- component ProfileForumTabs(viewUser *arn.User)
//- .tabs
//- Tab("Threads", "list", "/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/forum/threads")
//- Tab("Posts", "comments", "/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/forum/posts")
component LatestPosts(postables []arn.Postable, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- component LatestPosts(postables []arn.Postable, viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
//- ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
//- ProfileForumTabs(viewUser)
if len(postables) > 0
h1.page-title= len(postables), " latest posts by ", postables[0].Creator().Nick
PostableList(postables, user)
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't written any posts yet."
//- if len(postables) > 0
//- h1.page-title= len(postables), " latest posts by ", postables[0].Creator().Nick
//- PostableList(postables, user)
//- else
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't written any posts yet."