Can edit anime list items now

This commit is contained in:
2017-06-21 14:00:52 +02:00
parent 5c900c9738
commit cc09017b36
8 changed files with 131 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
component AnimeListItem(viewUser *arn.User, item *arn.AnimeListItem, anime *arn.Anime)
.widget.anime-list-item-view(data-api="/api/animelist/" + viewUser.ID + "/update/" + anime.ID)
h2= anime.Title.Canonical
if anime.EpisodeCount == 0
InputNumber("episodes", item.Episodes, "Episodes", "Number of episodes you watched", 0, 10000)
InputNumber("episodes", item.Episodes, "Episodes", "Number of episodes you watched", 0, anime.EpisodeCount)
InputNumber("Episodes", item.Episodes, "Episodes", "Number of episodes you watched", "0", arn.EpisodeCountMax(anime.EpisodeCount))
InputNumber("RewatchCount", item.RewatchCount, "Rewatched", "How often you rewatched this anime", "0", "100")
InputTextArea("notes", item.Notes, "Notes", "Notes")
InputTextArea("Notes", item.Notes, "Notes", "Your notes")
a.ajax.button(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/animelist")