Translated the basic style files to scarlet
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,142 +1,139 @@
component Anime(anime *arn.Anime)
if anime.Image != ""
img.anime-image(src=anime.Image, alt=anime.Title.Romaji)
h2.anime-title-db(title=anime.Type)= anime.Title.Romaji
//- if user && user.titleLanguage === "japanese"
//- p.second-title-container
//- span.second-title(title=anime.Title.English !== anime.Title.Romaji ? anime.Title.English : null)= anime.Title.Romaji
//- else
if anime.Title.Japanese != anime.Title.Romaji
a.second-title(href="" + anime.Title.Japanese, target="_blank", title="Look up reading on", rel="nofollow")= anime.Title.Japanese
//- h3.anime-header.anime-summary-header Summary
p.anime-summary= arn.FixAnimeDescription(anime.Description)
if anime.Image != ""
img.anime-image(src=anime.Image, alt=anime.Title.Romaji)
if anime.YoutubeID != ""
h3.anime-header Video
||||"" + anime.YoutubeID + "?showinfo=0", allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen")
h2.anime-title(title=anime.Type)= anime.Title.Romaji
if anime.Tracks != nil && anime.Tracks.Opening != nil
h3.anime-header Tracks
iframe.anime-track(src="" + anime.Tracks.Opening.URI + "?auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true")
//- if user && user.titleLanguage === "japanese"
//- span.second-title(title=anime.Title.English !== anime.Title.Romaji ? anime.Title.English : null)= anime.Title.Romaji
//- else
if anime.Title.Japanese != anime.Title.Romaji
a.anime-alternative-title(href="" + anime.Title.Japanese, target="_blank", title="Look up reading on", rel="nofollow")= anime.Title.Japanese
//- if user && friendsWatching && friendsWatching.length > 0
//- include ../messages/avatar.pug
//- h3.anime-header Watching
//- .user-list
//- each watcher in friendsWatching
//- +avatar(watcher)
//- h3.anime-section-name.anime-summary-header Summary
p.anime-summary= arn.FixAnimeDescription(anime.Description)
if anime.YoutubeID != ""
h3.anime-section-name Video
||||"" + anime.YoutubeID + "?showinfo=0", allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen")
if len(anime.Relations) > 0
h3.anime-header Relations
each relation in anime.Relations
a.relation.ajax(href="/anime/" + toString(relation.ID), title=relation.Anime().Title.Romaji)
img.anime-image.relation-image(src=relation.Anime().Image, alt=relation.Anime().Title.Romaji)
span= arn.Capitalize(relation.Type)
if anime.Tracks != nil && anime.Tracks.Opening != nil
h3.anime-section-name Tracks
iframe.anime-track(src="" + anime.Tracks.Opening.URI + "?auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true")
if len(anime.Genres) > 0
h3.anime-header Genres
each genre in anime.Genres
if genre != ""
a.light-button.ajax(href="/genres/" + arn.GetGenreIDByName(genre))
span= genre
//- if user && friendsWatching && friendsWatching.length > 0
//- include ../messages/avatar.pug
if len(anime.Studios) > 0
h3.anime-header Studios
each studio in anime.Studios
a.light-button(href="" + toString(studio.ID), target="_blank")
span= studio.Name
//- h3.anime-section-name Watching
//- .user-list
//- each watcher in friendsWatching
//- +avatar(watcher)
//- //-if crunchy
//- //- h3.anime-header Episodes
if len(anime.Relations) > 0
h3.anime-section-name Relations
each relation in anime.Relations
a.relation.ajax(href="/anime/" + toString(relation.ID), title=relation.Anime().Title.Romaji)
img.anime-image.relation-image(src=relation.Anime().Image, alt=relation.Anime().Title.Romaji)
span= arn.Capitalize(relation.Type)
//- if canEdit
//- #staff-info
//- h3.anime-header Links
//- table
//- tbody
//- tr
//- td MyAnimeList
//- td
//-"MyAnimeList", type="text", value=providers.MyAnimeList ? providers.MyAnimeList.providerId : ", disabled=(providers.MyAnimeList && providers.MyAnimeList.similarity === 1) ? true : false)
//- td
//- a(href="" + anime.title.romaji.replace(/ /g, "+"), target="_blank")
//- .fa.fa-search
//- td
//- tr
//- td HummingBird
//- td
//-"HummingBird", type="text", value=providers.HummingBird ? providers.HummingBird.providerId : ", disabled=(providers.HummingBird && providers.HummingBird.similarity === 1) ? true : false)
//- td
//- a(href="" + anime.title.romaji.replace(/ /g, "+"), target="_blank")
//- .fa.fa-search
//- td
//- tr
//- td AnimePlanet
//- td
//-"AnimePlanet", type="text", value=providers.AnimePlanet ? providers.AnimePlanet.providerId : ", disabled=(providers.AnimePlanet && providers.AnimePlanet.similarity === 1) ? true : false)
//- td
//- a(href="" + anime.title.english.replace(/ /g, "+"), target="_blank")
//- .fa.fa-search
//- td
//- - var title = providers.Nyaa ? providers.Nyaa.title : "
//- - var proposedTitle = nyaa.buildNyaaTitle(anime.title.romaji)
//- tr
//- td Nyaa
//- td
//-"Nyaa", type="text", value=title, placeholder=proposedTitle)
//- td
//- a(href="" + (title ? title.replace(/ /g, "+") : proposedTitle), target="_blank")
//- .fa.fa-search
//- td
//- if providers.Nyaa && providers.Nyaa.episodes !== undefined
//- span(class=providers.Nyaa.episodes === 0 ? "entry-error" : "entry-ok")= providers.Nyaa.episodes + " eps"
h3.anime-header Links
if len(anime.Genres) > 0
h3.anime-section-name Genres
if anime.Links != nil
each link in anime.Links
a.light-button(href=link.URL, target="_blank")
span= link.Title
if anime.CreatedBy == ""
a.light-button(href="" + toString(anime.ID), target="_blank")
each genre in anime.Genres
if genre != ""
a.light-button.ajax(href="/genres/" + arn.GetGenreIDByName(genre))
span= genre
if len(anime.Studios) > 0
h3.anime-section-name Studios
each studio in anime.Studios
a.light-button(href="" + toString(studio.ID), target="_blank")
span= studio.Name
//- //-if crunchy
//- //- h3.anime-section-name Episodes
//- if canEdit
//- #staff-info
//- h3.anime-section-name Links
//- table
//- tbody
//- tr
//- td MyAnimeList
//- td
//-"MyAnimeList", type="text", value=providers.MyAnimeList ? providers.MyAnimeList.providerId : ", disabled=(providers.MyAnimeList && providers.MyAnimeList.similarity === 1) ? true : false)
//- td
//- a(href="" + anime.title.romaji.replace(/ /g, "+"), target="_blank")
//- .fa.fa-search
//- td
//- tr
//- td HummingBird
//- td
//-"HummingBird", type="text", value=providers.HummingBird ? providers.HummingBird.providerId : ", disabled=(providers.HummingBird && providers.HummingBird.similarity === 1) ? true : false)
//- td
//- a(href="" + anime.title.romaji.replace(/ /g, "+"), target="_blank")
//- .fa.fa-search
//- td
//- tr
//- td AnimePlanet
//- td
//-"AnimePlanet", type="text", value=providers.AnimePlanet ? providers.AnimePlanet.providerId : ", disabled=(providers.AnimePlanet && providers.AnimePlanet.similarity === 1) ? true : false)
//- td
//- a(href="" + anime.title.english.replace(/ /g, "+"), target="_blank")
//- .fa.fa-search
//- td
//- - var title = providers.Nyaa ? providers.Nyaa.title : "
//- - var proposedTitle = nyaa.buildNyaaTitle(anime.title.romaji)
//- tr
//- td Nyaa
//- td
//-"Nyaa", type="text", value=title, placeholder=proposedTitle)
//- td
//- a(href="" + (title ? title.replace(/ /g, "+") : proposedTitle), target="_blank")
//- .fa.fa-search
//- td
//- if providers.Nyaa && providers.Nyaa.episodes !== undefined
//- span(class=providers.Nyaa.episodes === 0 ? "entry-error" : "entry-ok")= providers.Nyaa.episodes + " eps"
h3.anime-section-name Links
if anime.Links != nil
each link in anime.Links
a.light-button(href=link.URL, target="_blank")
span AniList
span= link.Title
if anime.CreatedBy == ""
a.light-button(href="" + toString(anime.ID), target="_blank")
span AniList
//- if providers.HummingBird
//- a.light-button(href="" + providers.HummingBird.providerId, target="_blank") HummingBird
//- if providers.HummingBird
//- a.light-button(href="" + providers.HummingBird.providerId, target="_blank") HummingBird
//- if providers.MyAnimeList
//- a.light-button(href="" + providers.MyAnimeList.providerId, target="_blank") MyAnimeList
//- if providers.MyAnimeList
//- a.light-button(href="" + providers.MyAnimeList.providerId, target="_blank") MyAnimeList
//- if providers.AnimePlanet
//- a.light-button(href="" + providers.AnimePlanet.providerId, target="_blank") AnimePlanet
//- if providers.AnimePlanet
//- a.light-button(href="" + providers.AnimePlanet.providerId, target="_blank") AnimePlanet
p Powered by Anilist.
//- if descriptionSource
//- span= " Summary by " + summarySource + "."
//- //-
//- h3.anime-header Synonyms
//- if anime.title.synonyms
//- ul.anime-synonyms
//- li.anime-japanese-title= anime.title.japanese
//- each synonym in anime.title.synonyms
//- li= synonym
p Powered by Anilist.
//- if descriptionSource
//- span= " Summary by " + summarySource + "."
//- //-
//- h3.anime-section-name Synonyms
//- if anime.title.synonyms
//- ul.anime-synonyms
//- li.anime-japanese-title= anime.title.japanese
//- each synonym in anime.title.synonyms
//- li= synonym
Normal file
Normal file
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@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
border-radius 3px
box-shadow 4px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
filter saturate(100%)
transition all transitionSpeed ease
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object-fit cover
filter saturate(130%)
box-shadow 6px 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
component Dashboard(posts []*arn.Post)
h2 Dash
h2 Dash
each post in posts
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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// filter opacity(1) saturate(1) blur(0)
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transition all transition-speed ease
animation cover-animation profile-boot-duration
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filter brightness(500%) blur(5px)
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display flex
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transition all transitionSpeed ease
transition all transition-speed ease
animation-name appear
animation-duration transitionSpeed
animation-duration transition-speed
overflow hidden
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ profileBootDuration = 2s
background-size cover
overflow hidden
transition all transitionSpeed ease
transition all transition-speed ease
animation cover-animation profileBootDuration
animation-fill-mode forwards
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ profileBootDuration = 2s
border-radius 3px
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// padding content-padding
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// padding content-padding
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flex-flow column
align-items center
padding contentPadding
padding content-padding
padding-top 0
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padding-left content-padding * 2
max-width 900px
// rotate-y()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user