New Anilist importer

This commit is contained in:
2018-04-05 22:36:59 +02:00
parent 8acdcaeb38
commit a4bbd5cbbc
4 changed files with 37 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -1,34 +1,28 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
color.Yellow("Iterating through AniList anime to generate new mappings")
defer arn.Node.Close()
// color.Yellow("Iterating through AniList anime to generate new mappings")
// defer arn.Node.Close()
err := anilist.Authorize()
// err := anilist.Authorize()
// arn.PanicOnError(err)
// color.Green(anilist.AccessToken)
allAnime := arn.AllAnime()
count := 0
// allAnime := arn.AllAnime()
// count := 0
for aniListAnime := range anilist.StreamAnime() {
// for aniListAnime := range anilist.StreamAnime() {
// println(aniListAnime.TitleRomaji)
anime := arn.FindAniListAnime(aniListAnime, allAnime)
// anime := arn.FindAniListAnime(aniListAnime, allAnime)
if anime != nil {
color.Green("%s %s", anime.ID, anime)
} else {
color.Red("Not found")
// if anime != nil {
// color.Green("%s %s", anime.ID, anime)
// count++
// } else {
// color.Red("Not found")
// }
// }
color.Green("%d anime are connected with AniList", count)
// color.Green("%d anime are connected with AniList", count)