Minor changes

This commit is contained in:
2018-11-15 16:23:09 +09:00
parent ac960e71ef
commit a1c11a2eae
3 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
component Profile(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList, uri string)
ProfileHeader(viewUser, user, uri)
if len(animeList.Items) == 0
p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't added any anime yet."
each item in animeList.Items
if item.Status == arn.AnimeListStatusWatching || item.Status == arn.AnimeListStatusCompleted
a.profile-watching-list-item.tip(href=item.Anime().Link(), aria-label=item.Anime().Title.ByUser(user) + " (" + fmt.Sprint(item.Episodes) + " / " + arn.EpisodesToString(item.Anime().EpisodeCount) + ")")
img.profile-watching-list-item-image.lazy(data-src=item.Anime().ImageLink("small"), data-webp="true", data-color=item.Anime().AverageColor(), alt=item.Anime().Title.ByUser(user), importance="high")
//- if len(animeList.Items) == 0
//- p.no-data.mountable= viewUser.Nick + " hasn't added any anime yet."
//- else
//- .profile-watching-list.mountable
//- each item in animeList.Items
//- if item.Status == arn.AnimeListStatusWatching || item.Status == arn.AnimeListStatusCompleted
//- a.profile-watching-list-item.tip(href=item.Anime().Link(), aria-label=item.Anime().Title.ByUser(user) + " (" + fmt.Sprint(item.Episodes) + " / " + arn.EpisodesToString(item.Anime().EpisodeCount) + ")")
//- img.profile-watching-list-item-image.lazy(data-src=item.Anime().ImageLink("small"), data-webp="true", data-color=item.Anime().AverageColor(), alt=item.Anime().Title.ByUser(user), importance="high")
if user != nil && (user.Role == "admin" || user.Role == "editor")
a.button.profile-action(href="/api/user/" + viewUser.ID, target="_blank", rel="noopener")
span JSON
//- .footer
//- .buttons
//- if user != nil && (user.Role == "admin" || user.Role == "editor")
//- a.button.profile-action(href="/api/user/" + viewUser.ID, target="_blank", rel="noopener")
//- Icon("search-plus")
//- span JSON
component ProfileTabs(viewUser *arn.User, uri string)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ component ProfileTabs(viewUser *arn.User, uri string)
component ProfileHeader(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)
ProfileHead(viewUser, user, uri)
ProfileTabs(viewUser, uri)
//- ProfileTabs(viewUser, uri)
component ProfileHead(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, uri string)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ component SettingsPersonal(user *arn.User)
span Personal
InputText("Nick", user.Nick, "Username", "Your username on notify.moe")
InputTextArea("Introduction", user.Introduction, "Introduction", "Tell us about yourself")
InputTextArea("Introduction", user.Introduction, "Introduction", "Tell us a little bit about yourself")
.widget.mountable(data-api="/api/settings/" + user.ID)

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ component Welcome(user *arn.User)
p.welcome-text.mountable Write a little introduction so people know who you are!
.mountable(data-api="/api/user/" + user.ID)
InputTextArea("Introduction", user.Introduction, "Introduction", "Tell us about yourself")
InputTextArea("Introduction", user.Introduction, "Introduction", "Tell us a little bit about yourself")
p Markdown allowed.