Removed outdated dashboard code

This commit is contained in:
2018-10-29 07:27:07 +09:00
parent 86ef991d1d
commit 84f650a636
4 changed files with 11 additions and 219 deletions

View File

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
package dashboard
// import (
// "net/http"
// "sort"
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// )
// const maxForumActivity = 5
// const maxFollowing = 5
// const maxSoundTracks = 5
// const maxScheduleItems = 5
// // Get the dashboard.
// func Get(ctx *aero.Context) string {
// var forumActivity []arn.Postable
// var followingList []*arn.User
// var soundTracks []*arn.SoundTrack
// var upcomingEpisodes []*arn.UpcomingEpisode
// user := utils.GetUser(ctx)
// if user == nil {
// return ctx.Error(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Not logged in")
// }
// flow.Parallel(func() {
// posts := arn.AllPosts()
// threads := arn.AllThreads()
// arn.SortPostsLatestFirst(posts)
// arn.SortThreadsLatestFirst(threads)
// posts = arn.FilterPostsWithUniqueThreads(posts, maxForumActivity)
// postPostables := arn.ToPostables(posts)
// threadPostables := arn.ToPostables(threads)
// allPostables := append(postPostables, threadPostables...)
// arn.SortPostablesLatestFirst(allPostables)
// forumActivity = arn.FilterPostablesWithUniqueThreads(allPostables, maxForumActivity)
// }, func() {
// animeList, err := arn.GetAnimeList(user.ID)
// if err != nil {
// return
// }
// animeList = animeList.Watching()
// animeList.Lock()
// for _, item := range animeList.Items {
// futureEpisodes := item.Anime().UpcomingEpisodes()
// if len(futureEpisodes) == 0 {
// continue
// }
// upcomingEpisodes = append(upcomingEpisodes, futureEpisodes...)
// }
// animeList.Unlock()
// sort.Slice(upcomingEpisodes, func(i, j int) bool {
// return upcomingEpisodes[i].Episode.AiringDate.Start < upcomingEpisodes[j].Episode.AiringDate.Start
// })
// if len(upcomingEpisodes) >= maxScheduleItems {
// upcomingEpisodes = upcomingEpisodes[:maxScheduleItems]
// }
// }, func() {
// soundTracks = arn.FilterSoundTracks(func(track *arn.SoundTrack) bool {
// return !track.IsDraft && len(track.Media) > 0
// })
// arn.SortSoundTracksLatestFirst(soundTracks)
// if len(soundTracks) > maxSoundTracks {
// soundTracks = soundTracks[:maxSoundTracks]
// }
// }, func() {
// followingList = user.Follows().Users()
// arn.SortUsersLastSeen(followingList)
// if len(followingList) > maxFollowing {
// followingList = followingList[:maxFollowing]
// }
// })
// return ctx.HTML(components.Dashboard(upcomingEpisodes, forumActivity, soundTracks, followingList, user))
// }

View File

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
component Dashboard(schedule []*arn.UpcomingEpisode, posts []arn.Postable, soundTracks []*arn.SoundTrack, following []*arn.User, user *arn.User)
//- Dashboard
//- .dashboard
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title Schedule
//- for i := 0; i <= 4; i++
//- if i < len(schedule)
//- .widget-ui-element
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- a.schedule-item-link(href=schedule[i].Anime.Link())
//- Icon("calendar-o")
//- .schedule-item-title= schedule[i].Anime.Title.ByUser(user)
//- .spacer
//- .schedule-item-date.utc-airing-date(data-start-date=schedule[i].Episode.AiringDate.Start, data-end-date=schedule[i].Episode.AiringDate.End, data-episode-number=schedule[i].Episode.Number)
//- else
//- .widget-ui-element
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("calendar-o")
//- span ...
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title Forums
//- each post in posts
//- a.widget-ui-element(href=post.Thread().Link())
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon(arn.GetForumIcon(post.Thread().Tags[0]))
//- span= post.Thread().Title
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title Artworks
//- for i := 1; i <= 5; i++
//- .widget-ui-element
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("paint-brush")
//- span ...
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title Soundtracks
//- for i := 0; i <= 4; i++
//- if i < len(soundTracks)
//- a.widget-ui-element(href=soundTracks[i].Link())
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("music")
//- if soundTracks[i].Title == ""
//- span untitled
//- else
//- span= soundTracks[i].Title
//- else
//- .widget-ui-element
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("music")
//- span ...
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title AMVs
//- for i := 1; i <= 5; i++
//- .widget-ui-element
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("video-camera")
//- span ...
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title Reviews
//- for i := 1; i <= 5; i++
//- .widget-ui-element
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("book")
//- span ...
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title Groups
//- for i := 1; i <= 5; i++
//- .widget-ui-element
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("group")
//- span ...
//- .widget.mountable
//- h3.widget-title Contacts
//- for i := 0; i <= 4; i++
//- if i < len(following)
//- a.widget-ui-element(href="/+" + following[i].Nick)
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("address-card")
//- span= following[i].Nick
//- else
//- .widget-ui-element
//- .widget-ui-element-text
//- Icon("address-card")
//- span ...
//- Footer

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// .schedule-item-link,
// .schedule-item-title
// clip-long-text
// .schedule-item-link
// horizontal
// align-items center
// .schedule-item-date
// text-align right
content " | "
color text-color
opacity 0.5
display none