Replace tagline with introduction

This commit is contained in:
2018-10-31 09:38:32 +09:00
parent 2649457ed9
commit 83159a3951

View File

@ -10,11 +10,8 @@ component SettingsPersonal(user *arn.User)
span Personal
InputText("Nick", user.Nick, "Username", "Your username on")
InputText("Tagline", user.Tagline, "Tagline", "Text that appears below your username")
InputText("Website", user.Website, "Website", "Your homepage")
if arn.IsDevelopment()
InputTextArea("Introduction", user.Introduction, "Introduction", "Tell us about yourself (Markdown is allowed)")
InputTextArea("Introduction", user.Introduction, "Introduction", "Tell us about yourself (Markdown is allowed)")
.widget.mountable(data-api="/api/settings/" + user.ID)