More badaboom
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ component AnimeListItem(viewUser *arn.User, item *arn.AnimeListItem, anime *arn.
h1.anime-list-item-title.mountable= anime.Title.ByUser(user)
h1.anime-list-item-title.mountable= anime.Title.ByUser(user)
InputNumberWithButtons("Episodes", float64(item.Episodes), "Episodes", "Number of episodes you watched", "0", arn.EpisodeCountMax(anime.EpisodeCount), "1")
InputNumberWithButtons("Episodes", float64(item.Episodes), "Episodes", "Number of episodes you watched", "0", arn.EpisodeCountMax(anime.EpisodeCount), "1")
label(for="Status") Status:
label(for="Status") Status:
select.widget-ui-element.action(id="Status", data-field="Status", value=item.Status, data-action="save", data-trigger="change")
select.widget-ui-element.action(id="Status", data-field="Status", value=item.Status, data-action="save", data-trigger="change")
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusWatching) Watching
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusWatching) Watching
@ -15,32 +15,33 @@ component AnimeListItem(viewUser *arn.User, item *arn.AnimeListItem, anime *arn.
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusHold) On hold
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusHold) On hold
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusDropped) Dropped
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusDropped) Dropped
InputNumber("Rating.Overall", item.Rating.Overall, arn.OverallRatingName(item.Episodes), "Overall rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Overall", item.Rating.Overall, arn.OverallRatingName(item.Episodes), "Overall rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Story", item.Rating.Story, "Story", "Story rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Story", item.Rating.Story, "Story", "Story rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Visuals", item.Rating.Visuals, "Visuals", "Visuals rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Visuals", item.Rating.Visuals, "Visuals", "Visuals rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Soundtrack", item.Rating.Soundtrack, "Soundtrack", "Soundtrack rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Soundtrack", item.Rating.Soundtrack, "Soundtrack", "Soundtrack rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("RewatchCount", float64(item.RewatchCount), "Rewatched", "How often you rewatched this anime", "0", "100", "1")
InputNumber("RewatchCount", float64(item.RewatchCount), "Rewatched", "How often you rewatched this anime", "0", "100", "1")
InputBool("Private", item.Private, "Private", "Hidden entry")
InputBool("Private", item.Private, "Private", "Hidden entry")
InputTextArea("Notes", item.Notes, "Notes", "Your notes")
InputTextArea("Notes", item.Notes, "Notes", "Your notes")
a.button(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/animelist/" + item.Status)
a.button.mountable(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/animelist/" + item.Status)
span View collection
span View collection
span View anime
span View anime
button.action(data-action="removeAnimeFromCollection", data-trigger="click", data-api="/api/animelist/" + viewUser.ID, data-anime-id=anime.ID, data-nick=viewUser.Nick)
button.action.mountable(data-action="removeAnimeFromCollection", data-trigger="click", data-api="/api/animelist/" + viewUser.ID, data-anime-id=anime.ID, data-nick=viewUser.Nick)
span Remove from collection
span Remove from collection
a.anime-list-item-cover.mountable(href=anime.Link(), title="View anime")
//- a.anime-list-item-cover.mountable(href=anime.Link(), title="View anime")
img.anime-cover-image.lazy(data-src=anime.ImageLink("medium"), data-webp="true", data-color=anime.AverageColor(), alt=anime.Title.ByUser(user))
//- img.anime-cover-image.lazy(data-src=anime.ImageLink("medium"), data-webp="true", data-color=anime.AverageColor(), alt=anime.Title.ByUser(user))
//- RawIcon("arrow-left")
//- //- RawIcon("arrow-left")
@ -22,28 +22,34 @@
grid-template-columns repeat(auto-fill, calc(50% - content-padding / 2))
grid-template-columns repeat(auto-fill, calc(50% - content-padding / 2))
grid-gap content-padding
grid-gap content-padding
// .anime-list-item-cover
display none
// display none
> 1200px
// > 1200px
// .anime-list-item-cover
display block
// display block
position absolute
left content-padding
top content-padding
width anime-image-medium-width
height anime-image-medium-height
// .raw-icon
// font-size 2.5rem
// position absolute
// position absolute
// left 0
// left content-padding
// top calc(anime-image-medium-height / 2)
// top content-padding
// transform translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%)
// opacity 0.85
// &.mounted
// color rgb(215, 38, 15)
// opacity 0 !important
// :hover
// opacity 1 !important
// img
// width anime-image-medium-width
// height anime-image-medium-height
// // .raw-icon
// // font-size 2.5rem
// // position absolute
// // left 0
// // top calc(anime-image-medium-height / 2)
// // transform translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%)
// // opacity 0.85
// // color rgb(215, 38, 15)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user