More badaboom

This commit is contained in:
2018-04-20 00:28:19 +02:00
parent 36361c5f86
commit 644c023fc9
2 changed files with 37 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ component AnimeListItem(viewUser *arn.User, item *arn.AnimeListItem, anime *arn.
h1.anime-list-item-title.mountable= anime.Title.ByUser(user)
InputNumberWithButtons("Episodes", float64(item.Episodes), "Episodes", "Number of episodes you watched", "0", arn.EpisodeCountMax(anime.EpisodeCount), "1")
label(for="Status") Status:
select.widget-ui-element.action(id="Status", data-field="Status", value=item.Status, data-action="save", data-trigger="change")
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusWatching) Watching
@ -15,32 +15,33 @@ component AnimeListItem(viewUser *arn.User, item *arn.AnimeListItem, anime *arn.
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusHold) On hold
option(value=arn.AnimeListStatusDropped) Dropped
InputNumber("Rating.Overall", item.Rating.Overall, arn.OverallRatingName(item.Episodes), "Overall rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Story", item.Rating.Story, "Story", "Story rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Visuals", item.Rating.Visuals, "Visuals", "Visuals rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("Rating.Soundtrack", item.Rating.Soundtrack, "Soundtrack", "Soundtrack rating on a scale of 0 to 10", "0", "10", "0.1")
InputNumber("RewatchCount", float64(item.RewatchCount), "Rewatched", "How often you rewatched this anime", "0", "100", "1")
InputBool("Private", item.Private, "Private", "Hidden entry")
InputTextArea("Notes", item.Notes, "Notes", "Your notes")
InputTextArea("Notes", item.Notes, "Notes", "Your notes")
a.button(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/animelist/" + item.Status)
a.button.mountable(href="/+" + viewUser.Nick + "/animelist/" + item.Status)
span View collection
span View anime
button.action(data-action="removeAnimeFromCollection", data-trigger="click", data-api="/api/animelist/" + viewUser.ID, data-anime-id=anime.ID, data-nick=viewUser.Nick)
button.action.mountable(data-action="removeAnimeFromCollection", data-trigger="click", data-api="/api/animelist/" + viewUser.ID, data-anime-id=anime.ID, data-nick=viewUser.Nick)
span Remove from collection
a.anime-list-item-cover.mountable(href=anime.Link(), title="View anime")
img.anime-cover-image.lazy(data-src=anime.ImageLink("medium"), data-webp="true", data-color=anime.AverageColor(), alt=anime.Title.ByUser(user))
//- RawIcon("arrow-left")
//- a.anime-list-item-cover.mountable(href=anime.Link(), title="View anime")
//- img.anime-cover-image.lazy(data-src=anime.ImageLink("medium"), data-webp="true", data-color=anime.AverageColor(), alt=anime.Title.ByUser(user))
//- //- RawIcon("arrow-left")

View File

@ -22,28 +22,34 @@
grid-template-columns repeat(auto-fill, calc(50% - content-padding / 2))
grid-gap content-padding
display none
// .anime-list-item-cover
// display none
> 1200px
display block
position absolute
left content-padding
top content-padding
// > 1200px
// .anime-list-item-cover
// display block
// position absolute
// left content-padding
// top content-padding
width anime-image-medium-width
height anime-image-medium-height
// &.mounted
// opacity 0 !important
// .raw-icon
// font-size 2.5rem
// position absolute
// left 0
// top calc(anime-image-medium-height / 2)
// transform translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%)
// opacity 0.85
// color rgb(215, 38, 15)
// :hover
// opacity 1 !important
// img
// width anime-image-medium-width
// height anime-image-medium-height
// // .raw-icon
// // font-size 2.5rem
// // position absolute
// // left 0
// // top calc(anime-image-medium-height / 2)
// // transform translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%)
// // opacity 0.85
// // color rgb(215, 38, 15)