QoL improvements

This commit is contained in:
2017-06-08 22:02:39 +02:00
parent cacb804a19
commit 5a6fcac34c

View File

@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ component Profile(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList,
h3 Anime h3 Anime
.anime-list .anime-list
if len(animeList.Items) == 0
p No anime in the collection.
each item in animeList.Items each item in animeList.Items
a.anime-list-item.ajax(href=item.Anime().Link(), title=item.Anime().Title.Canonical + " (" + toString(item.Episode) + " / " + arn.EpisodesToString(item.Anime().EpisodeCount) + ")") a.anime-list-item.ajax(href=item.Anime().Link(), title=item.Anime().Title.Canonical + " (" + toString(item.Episode) + " / " + arn.EpisodesToString(item.Anime().EpisodeCount) + ")")
img.anime-cover-image.anime-list-item-image(src=item.Anime().Image.Tiny, alt=item.Anime().Title.Canonical) img.anime-cover-image.anime-list-item-image(src=item.Anime().Image.Tiny, alt=item.Anime().Title.Canonical)
@ -60,6 +63,9 @@ component Profile(viewUser *arn.User, user *arn.User, animeList *arn.AnimeList,
.profile-category .profile-category
h3 Forum h3 Forum
if len(animeList.Items) == 0
p No activity on the forum.
each thread in threads each thread in threads
ThreadLink(thread) ThreadLink(thread)