Changes to the footer on episode pages

This commit is contained in:
2018-12-12 19:53:08 +09:00
parent 7b07dc29bc
commit 4acf098853

View File

@ -36,19 +36,6 @@ component AnimeEpisode(anime *arn.Anime, episode *arn.AnimeEpisode, episodeIndex
if validate.DateTime(episode.AiringDate.Start)
span.utc-airing-date(data-start-date=episode.AiringDate.Start, data-end-date=episode.AiringDate.End, data-episode-number=episode.Number)= episode.AiringDate.StartDateHuman()
if anime.ID != "VhRKhKimR" || episode.Number != 10
if user != nil && user.Location.CountryName != "Japan"
for serviceName, link := range episode.Links
a.button(href=link, title="Watch episode " + strconv.Itoa(episode.Number), target="_blank", rel="noopener")
span= serviceName
//- a.button(href=arn.Nyaa.GetLink(anime, fmt.Sprintf("%02d", episode.Number)), title="Download episode " + strconv.Itoa(episode.Number), target="_blank", rel="noopener")
//- Icon("download")
//- span
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p Make sure to support the anime you're watching by buying officially released Blu-rays and merchandise.