New caching mechanism

This commit is contained in:
2016-10-23 13:15:47 +09:00
parent 2386b4cb92
commit 44dc4f000e
2 changed files with 70 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
package main
import (
cache ""
@ -26,20 +30,44 @@ const (
hello = "Hello World"
var jsonToResponse *cache.Cache
func worker(script *otto.Script, jobs <-chan map[string]interface{}, results chan<- string) {
vm := otto.New()
for properties := range jobs {
for key, value := range properties {
vm.Set(key, value)
h := xxhash.NewS64(0)
for _, value := range properties {
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(value)
if err == nil {
// fmt.Println(string(buffer))
hash := strconv.FormatUint(h.Sum64(), 10)
cachedResponse, found := jsonToResponse.Get(hash)
if found {
results <- cachedResponse.(string)
} else {
for key, value := range properties {
vm.Set(key, value)
result, _ := vm.Run(script)
code, _ := result.ToString()
results <- code
jsonToResponse.Set(hash, code, cache.DefaultExpiration)
result, _ := vm.Run(script)
code, _ := result.ToString()
results <- code
func main() {
jsonToResponse = cache.New(5*time.Minute, 1*time.Minute)
app := aero.New()
jade.PrettyOutput = false
code, _ := jade.ParseFile("pages/anime/anime.pug")
@ -103,20 +131,14 @@ func main() {
myMap := make(map[string]interface{})
myMap["anime"] = anime
jobs <- myMap
templateParams := make(map[string]interface{})
templateParams["anime"] = anime
jobs <- templateParams
aero.Respond(ctx, <-results)
// if runErr != nil {
// panic(runErr)
// }
// aero.Respond(ctx, result.String())
fmt.Println("Starting server on http://localhost:5000/")
fmt.Println("Starting server on http://localhost:4000/")