Implemented editor filters
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
component Database(url string)
h1.mountable Database search
label(for="data-type") Search
option(value="Analytics") Analytics
option(value="Anime") Anime
option(value="AnimeList") AnimeList
option(value="Character") Character
option(value="Group") Group
option(value="Post") Post
option(value="Settings") Settings
option(value="SoundTrack") SoundTrack
option(value="Thread") Thread
option(value="User") User
option(value="Quote") Quote
label(for="field") where
input#field.widget-ui-element(type="text", placeholder="Field name (e.g. Title or Title.Canonical)")
label(for="field-value") is
button.action(data-action="searchDB", data-trigger="click")
span Search
h3.text-center Results
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
component Database(url string)
//- EditorTabs(url)
//- .widget-form
//- .widget
//- h1.mountable Database search
//- .widget-section.mountable
//- label(for="data-type") Search
//- select#data-type.widget-ui-element(value="Anime")
//- option(value="Analytics") Analytics
//- option(value="Anime") Anime
//- option(value="AnimeList") AnimeList
//- option(value="Character") Character
//- option(value="Group") Group
//- option(value="Post") Post
//- option(value="Settings") Settings
//- option(value="SoundTrack") SoundTrack
//- option(value="Thread") Thread
//- option(value="User") User
//- option(value="Quote") Quote
//- .widget-section.mountable
//- label(for="field") where
//- input#field.widget-ui-element(type="text", placeholder="Field name (e.g. Title or Title.Canonical)")
//- .widget-section.mountable
//- label(for="field-value") is
//- input#field-value.widget-ui-element(type="text")
//- .buttons.mountable
//- button.action(data-action="searchDB", data-trigger="click")
//- Icon("search")
//- span Search
//- h3.text-center Results
//- #records
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package editor
import (
@ -35,5 +37,11 @@ func Get(ctx *aero.Context) string {
return ctx.HTML(components.Editor(ctx.URI(), score, scoreTypes, user))
scoreTitle := ""
for objectType, score := range scoreTypes {
scoreTitle += objectType + ": " + strconv.Itoa(score) + "\n"
return ctx.HTML(components.Editor(ctx.URI(), score, scoreTitle, scoreTypes, user))
@ -1,46 +1,53 @@
component Editor(url string, score int, scoreTypes map[string]int, user *arn.User)
component Editor(url string, score int, scoreTitle string, scoreTypes map[string]int, user *arn.User)
EditorTabs(url, user)
h1.mountable= "Welcome to the Editor Panel, " + user.Nick + "!"
.feature-card-icon.editor-score= score
p.feature-card-text Your contribution score.
for objectType, score := range scoreTypes
.feature-card-icon.editor-score= score
p.feature-card-text= objectType
//- .footer
//- for objectType, score := range scoreTypes
//- .mountable
//- span= objectType + ": "
//- span= score
//- .feature-cards.feature-cards-alternative-color
//- for objectType, score := range scoreTypes
//- .feature-card.mountable
//- .feature-card-icon.editor-score= score
//- p.feature-card-text= objectType
component EditorTabs(url string)
component EditorTabs(url string, user *arn.User)
Tab("Editor", "pencil", "/editor")
Tab("MAL", "exchange", "/editor/maldiff/anime")
Tab("Kitsu", "exchange", "/editor/kitsu/new/anime")
Tab("Anime", "tv", "/editor/anime/mapping/mal")
Tab("MAL", "exchange", "/editor/mal/diff/anime" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("Anime", "tv", "/editor/anime/mapping/mal" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("Companies", "building", "/editor/companies/description")
Tab("Search", "search", "/database")
Tab("Kitsu", "download", "/editor/kitsu/new/anime")
if strings.Contains(url, "/editor/anime/")
Tab("Mappings", "arrows-h", "/editor/anime/mapping/mal")
Tab("Synopsis", "align-left", "/editor/anime/synopsis")
Tab("Genres", "clone", "/editor/anime/genres")
Tab("Start date", "calendar", "/editor/anime/startdate")
Tab("Images", "image", "/editor/anime/image/lowres")
Tab("Mappings", "arrows-h", "/editor/anime/mapping/mal" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("Synopsis", "align-left", "/editor/anime/synopsis" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("Genres", "clone", "/editor/anime/genres" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("Start date", "calendar", "/editor/anime/startdate" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("Images", "image", "/editor/anime/image/lowres" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
if strings.Contains(url, "/editor/anime/mapping/")
Tab("MAL", "arrows-h", "/editor/anime/mapping/mal")
Tab("Shoboi", "arrows-h", "/editor/anime/mapping/shoboi")
Tab("AniList", "arrows-h", "/editor/anime/mapping/anilist")
Tab("MAL", "arrows-h", "/editor/anime/mapping/mal" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("Shoboi", "arrows-h", "/editor/anime/mapping/shoboi" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("AniList", "arrows-h", "/editor/anime/mapping/anilist" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
if strings.Contains(url, "/editor/anime/image/")
Tab("Low-Res", "image", "/editor/anime/image/lowres")
Tab("Ultra Low-Res", "image", "/editor/anime/image/ultralowres")
//-"/admin", aria-label="Admin")
//- Icon("wrench")
//- Admin
Tab("Low-Res", "image", "/editor/anime/image/lowres" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
Tab("Ultra Low-Res", "image", "/editor/anime/image/ultralowres" + user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Suffix())
if strings.Contains(url, "/editor/anime/") || strings.Contains(url, "/editor/mal/diff/anime")
ExploreFilters(user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Year, user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Status, user.Settings().Editor.Filter.Type, true)
@ -1,39 +1,79 @@
package filteranime
import (
const maxAnimeEntries = 70
// editorList renders the anime list with the given title and filter.
func editorList(ctx *aero.Context, title string, filter func(*arn.Anime) bool, searchLink func(*arn.Anime) string) string {
animes, count := filterAnime(ctx, filter)
user := utils.GetUser(ctx)
if user == nil || (user.Role != "admin" && user.Role != "editor") {
return ctx.Error(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Not authorized", nil)
animes, count := filterAnime(ctx, user, filter)
// Determine URL
url := strings.TrimPrefix(ctx.URI(), "/_")
urlParts := strings.Split(url, "/")
urlParts = urlParts[:len(urlParts)-3]
url = strings.Join(urlParts, "/")
return ctx.HTML(components.AnimeEditorListFull(
// filterAnime filters anime by the given filter function and
// additionally applies year and types filters if specified.
func filterAnime(ctx *aero.Context, filter func(*arn.Anime) bool) ([]*arn.Anime, int) {
year, _ := ctx.GetInt("year")
animeType := ctx.Get("type")
func filterAnime(ctx *aero.Context, user *arn.User, filter func(*arn.Anime) bool) ([]*arn.Anime, int) {
year := ctx.Get("year")
status := ctx.Get("status")
typ := ctx.Get("type")
if year == "any" {
year = ""
if status == "any" {
status = ""
if typ == "any" {
typ = ""
settings := user.Settings()
settings.Editor.Filter.Year = year
settings.Editor.Filter.Status = status
settings.Editor.Filter.Type = typ
// Filter
animes := arn.FilterAnime(func(anime *arn.Anime) bool {
if year != 0 && year != anime.StartDateTime().Year() {
if year != "" && (len(anime.StartDate) < 4 || anime.StartDate[:4] != year) {
return false
if animeType != "" && anime.Type != animeType {
if status != "" && anime.Status != status {
return false
if typ != "" && anime.Type != typ {
return false
@ -4,12 +4,19 @@ import (
const maxEntries = 70
// NoDescription ...
func NoDescription(ctx *aero.Context) string {
user := utils.GetUser(ctx)
if user == nil || (user.Role != "admin" && user.Role != "editor") {
return ctx.Redirect("/")
companies := arn.FilterCompanies(func(company *arn.Company) bool {
return !company.IsDraft && len(company.Description) < 5
@ -22,5 +29,5 @@ func NoDescription(ctx *aero.Context) string {
companies = companies[:maxEntries]
return ctx.HTML(components.CompaniesEditorList(companies, count, ctx.URI()))
return ctx.HTML(components.CompaniesEditorList(companies, count, ctx.URI(), user))
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
component CompaniesEditorList(companies []*arn.Company, count int, url string)
component CompaniesEditorList(companies []*arn.Company, count int, url string, user *arn.User)
EditorTabs(url, user)
h1.editor-list-page-title.mountable Companies without a description
.footer.editor-list-entry-count.mountable= strconv.Itoa(count) + " companies"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
component NewKitsuAnime(animes []*kitsu.Anime, url string, user *arn.User)
EditorTabs(url, user)
h1.mountable New anime on Kitsu
if len(animes) == 0
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package editor
import (
@ -18,20 +17,38 @@ const maxCompareMALEntries = 15
// CompareMAL ...
func CompareMAL(ctx *aero.Context) string {
user := utils.GetUser(ctx)
year, _ := ctx.GetInt("year")
year := ctx.Get("year")
status := ctx.Get("status")
animeType := ctx.Get("type")
typ := ctx.Get("type")
if year == "any" {
year = ""
if status == "any" {
status = ""
if typ == "any" {
typ = ""
settings := user.Settings()
settings.Editor.Filter.Year = year
settings.Editor.Filter.Status = status
settings.Editor.Filter.Type = typ
animes := arn.FilterAnime(func(anime *arn.Anime) bool {
if year != "" && (len(anime.StartDate) < 4 || anime.StartDate[:4] != year) {
return false
if status != "" && anime.Status != status {
return false
if year != 0 && year != anime.StartDateTime().Year() {
return false
if animeType != "" && anime.Type != animeType {
if typ != "" && anime.Type != typ {
return false
@ -198,5 +215,5 @@ func CompareMAL(ctx *aero.Context) string {
return ctx.HTML(components.CompareMAL(comparisons, strconv.Itoa(year), status, animeType, ctx.URI(), user))
return ctx.HTML(components.CompareMAL(comparisons, year, status, typ, "/editor/mal/diff/anime", user))
@ -1,35 +1,37 @@
component CompareMAL(comparisons []*utils.MALComparison, year string, status string, typ string, url string, user *arn.User)
EditorTabs(url, user)
h1.mountable MAL comparison
ExploreFilters(year, status, typ, "malDiffFilterAnime")
each comparison in comparisons
||||, target="_blank")
||||"small"), data-webp="true", data-color=comparison.Anime.AverageColor(), alt=comparison.Anime.Title.ByUser(user))
a(href=comparison.Anime.Link(), target="_blank")= comparison.Anime.Title.Canonical
|||| + "/edit", target="_blank")
if len(comparisons) == 0
|||| No differences found.
each comparison in comparisons
||||, target="_blank")
||||"small"), data-webp="true", data-color=comparison.Anime.AverageColor(), alt=comparison.Anime.Title.ByUser(user))
||||, target="_blank")
a(href=comparison.Anime.Link(), target="_blank")= comparison.Anime.Title.Canonical
each difference in comparison.Differences
span= difference.Explanation()
.data-comparison-difference-detail= difference.DetailsA()
.data-comparison-difference-detail= difference.DetailsB()
|||| + "/edit", target="_blank")
||||"newAnimeDiffIgnore", data-trigger="click", data-id=arn.CreateDifferenceID(comparison.Anime.ID, "mal", comparison.MALAnime.ID, difference.Type()), data-hash=difference.Hash())
||||, target="_blank")
each difference in comparison.Differences
span= difference.Explanation()
.data-comparison-difference-detail= difference.DetailsA()
.data-comparison-difference-detail= difference.DetailsB()
||||"newAnimeDiffIgnore", data-trigger="click", data-id=arn.CreateDifferenceID(comparison.Anime.ID, "mal", comparison.MALAnime.ID, difference.Type()), data-hash=difference.Hash())
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
component ExploreAnime(animeList []*arn.Anime, year string, status string, typ string, user *arn.User)
ExploreFilters(year, status, typ, "filterAnime")
ExploreFilters(year, status, typ, false)
if user != nil
@ -20,18 +21,27 @@ component ExploreAnime(animeList []*arn.Anime, year string, status string, typ s
AnimeGrid(animeList, user)
component ExploreFilters(year string, status string, typ string, action string)
component ExploreFilters(year string, status string, typ string, allowAny bool)
select#filter-year.action(value=year, data-action=action, data-trigger="change")
select#filter-year.action(value=year, data-action="filterAnime", data-trigger="change")
if allowAny
for year := time.Now().Year()+1; year >= 1951; year--
option(value=year)= year
select#filter-status.action(value=status, data-action=action, data-trigger="change")
select#filter-status.action(value=status, data-action="filterAnime", data-trigger="change")
if allowAny
option(value="current") Current
option(value="upcoming") Upcoming
option(value="finished") Finished
select#filter-type.action(value=typ, data-action=action, data-trigger="change")
select#filter-type.action(value=typ, data-action="filterAnime", data-trigger="change")
if allowAny
option(value="tv") TV
option(value="movie") Movie
option(value="ova") OVA
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import (
@ -248,27 +247,50 @@ func Configure(app *aero.Application) {
// Editor
l.Page("/editor", editor.Get)
// Editor - Anime
editorList := func(route string, handler func(ctx *aero.Context) string) {
l.Page(route, handler)
l.Page(route+"/:year", handler)
l.Page(route+"/:year/:type", handler)
// Editor links can be filtered by year, status and type
editorFilterable := func(route string, handler func(ctx *aero.Context) string) {
// l.Page(route, func(ctx *aero.Context) string {
// user := utils.GetUser(ctx)
// if user == nil {
// return ctx.Error(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Not logged in", nil)
// }
// settings := user.Settings().Editor
// year := settings.Filter.Year
// status := settings.Filter.Status
// typ := settings.Filter.Type
// if year == "" {
// year = "any"
// }
// if status == "" {
// status = "any"
// }
// if typ == "" {
// typ = "any"
// }
// return ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s", ctx.URI(), year, status, typ))
// })
l.Page(route+"/:year/:status/:type", handler)
editorList("/editor/anime/synopsis", filteranime.Synopsis)
editorList("/editor/anime/genres", filteranime.Genres)
editorList("/editor/anime/startdate", filteranime.StartDate)
editorList("/editor/anime/mapping/shoboi", filteranime.Shoboi)
editorList("/editor/anime/mapping/anilist", filteranime.AniList)
editorList("/editor/anime/mapping/mal", filteranime.MAL)
editorList("/editor/anime/image/lowres", filteranime.LowResolutionAnimeImages)
editorList("/editor/anime/image/ultralowres", filteranime.UltraLowResolutionAnimeImages)
// Editor - Anime
editorFilterable("/editor/anime/synopsis", filteranime.Synopsis)
editorFilterable("/editor/anime/genres", filteranime.Genres)
editorFilterable("/editor/anime/startdate", filteranime.StartDate)
editorFilterable("/editor/anime/mapping/shoboi", filteranime.Shoboi)
editorFilterable("/editor/anime/mapping/anilist", filteranime.AniList)
editorFilterable("/editor/anime/mapping/mal", filteranime.MAL)
editorFilterable("/editor/anime/image/lowres", filteranime.LowResolutionAnimeImages)
editorFilterable("/editor/anime/image/ultralowres", filteranime.UltraLowResolutionAnimeImages)
// Editor - MALdiff
l.Page("/editor/maldiff/anime", editor.CompareMAL)
l.Page("/editor/maldiff/anime/:year", editor.CompareMAL)
l.Page("/editor/maldiff/anime/:year/:status", editor.CompareMAL)
l.Page("/editor/maldiff/anime/:year/:status/:type", editor.CompareMAL)
editorFilterable("/editor/mal/diff/anime", editor.CompareMAL)
// Editor - Kitsu
l.Page("/editor/kitsu/new/anime", editor.NewKitsuAnime)
@ -280,8 +302,8 @@ func Configure(app *aero.Application) {
l.Page("/log", editlog.Get)
// Mixed
l.Page("/database", database.Get)
app.Get("/api/select/:data-type/where/:field/is/:field-value", database.Select)
// l.Page("/database", database.Get)
// app.Get("/api/select/:data-type/where/:field/is/:field-value", database.Select)
// Import
l.Page("/import", listimport.Get)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user