Starting with a fresh database

This commit is contained in:
2017-06-02 16:17:58 +02:00
parent a762b7bec1
commit 13c87d65d8
7 changed files with 170 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
package main // package main
import ( // import (
"fmt" // "fmt"
"sort" // "sort"
"" // ""
"" // ""
) // )
// AiringAnime ... // // AiringAnime ...
func AiringAnime() { // func AiringAnime() {
fmt.Println("Running background job: Airing Anime") // fmt.Println("Running background job: Airing Anime")
animeList, err := arn.GetAiringAnime() // animeList, err := arn.GetAiringAnime()
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
color.Red("Failed fetching airing anime") // color.Red("Failed fetching airing anime")
color.Red(err.Error()) // color.Red(err.Error())
return // return
} // }
sort.Sort(arn.AnimeByPopularity(animeList)) // sort.Sort(arn.AnimeByPopularity(animeList))
// Convert to small anime list // // Convert to small anime list
var animeListSmall []*arn.AnimeSmall // var animeListSmall []*arn.AnimeSmall
for _, anime := range animeList { // for _, anime := range animeList {
animeListSmall = append(animeListSmall, &arn.AnimeSmall{ // animeListSmall = append(animeListSmall, &arn.AnimeSmall{
ID: anime.ID, // ID: anime.ID,
Title: anime.Title, // Title: anime.Title,
Image: anime.Image, // Image: anime.Image,
Watching: anime.Watching, // Watching: anime.Watching,
}) // })
} // }
saveErr := arn.SetObject("Cache", "airingAnime", &arn.AiringAnimeCacheSmall{ // saveErr := arn.SetObject("Cache", "airingAnime", &arn.AiringAnimeCacheSmall{
Anime: animeListSmall, // Anime: animeListSmall,
}) // })
if saveErr != nil { // if saveErr != nil {
color.Red("Error saving airing anime") // color.Red("Error saving airing anime")
color.Red(saveErr.Error()) // color.Red(saveErr.Error())
return // return
} // }
} // }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
color.Yellow("Syncing Anime")
// Get a stream of all anime
allAnime := kitsu.AllAnime()
// Iterate over the stream
for anime := range allAnime {
func sync(data *kitsu.Anime) {
anime := arn.Anime{}
anime.ID, _ = strconv.Atoi(data.ID)
anime.Type = strings.ToLower(data.Attributes.ShowType)
anime.Title.Canonical = data.Attributes.CanonicalTitle
anime.Title.English = data.Attributes.Titles.En
anime.Title.Japanese = data.Attributes.Titles.JaJp
anime.Title.Romaji = data.Attributes.Titles.EnJp
anime.Title.Synonyms = data.Attributes.AbbreviatedTitles
anime.Image = data.Attributes.PosterImage.Original
anime.Summary = arn.FixAnimeDescription(data.Attributes.Synopsis)
if data.Attributes.YoutubeVideoID != "" {
anime.Trailers = append(anime.Trailers, &arn.AnimeTrailer{
Service: "Youtube",
VideoID: data.Attributes.YoutubeVideoID,
err := anime.Save()
status := ""
if err == nil {
status = color.GreenString("✔")
} else {
status = color.RedString("✘")
fmt.Println(status, anime.ID, anime.Title.Canonical)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
@ -33,9 +34,7 @@ func main() {
} }
// Ajax routes // Ajax routes
app.Ajax("/", func(ctx *aero.Context) string { app.Ajax("/", dashboard.Get)
return ctx.HTML("ARN 4.0 is currently under construction.<br><a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Support the development</a>")
app.Ajax("/anime", search.Get) app.Ajax("/anime", search.Get)
app.Ajax("/anime/:id", anime.Get) app.Ajax("/anime/:id", anime.Get)
app.Ajax("/genres", genres.Get) app.Ajax("/genres", genres.Get)

View File

@ -2,18 +2,17 @@ package airing
import ( import (
"" ""
) )
// Get ... // Get ...
func Get(ctx *aero.Context) string { func Get(ctx *aero.Context) string {
airingAnimeCache := new(arn.AiringAnimeCache) // airingAnimeCache := new(arn.AiringAnimeCache)
err := arn.GetObject("Cache", "airingAnime", airingAnimeCache) // err := arn.GetObject("Cache", "airingAnime", airingAnimeCache)
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
return ctx.Error(500, "Couldn't fetch airing anime", err) // return ctx.Error(500, "Couldn't fetch airing anime", err)
} // }
return ctx.HTML(components.Airing(airingAnimeCache.Anime)) // return ctx.HTML(components.Airing(airingAnimeCache.Anime))
return ctx.HTML("Coming soon.")
} }

View File

@ -7,25 +7,25 @@ component Anime(anime *arn.Anime)
.space .space
.anime-info .anime-info
h2.anime-title(title=anime.Type)= anime.Title.Romaji h2.anime-title(title=anime.Type)= anime.Title.Canonical
//- if user && user.titleLanguage === "japanese" //- if user && user.titleLanguage === "japanese"
//- span.second-title(title=anime.Title.English !== anime.Title.Romaji ? anime.Title.English : null)= anime.Title.Romaji //- span.second-title(title=anime.Title.English !== anime.Title.Romaji ? anime.Title.English : null)= anime.Title.Romaji
//- else //- else
if anime.Title.Japanese != anime.Title.Romaji if anime.Title.Japanese != anime.Title.Canonical
a.anime-alternative-title(href="" + anime.Title.Japanese, target="_blank", title="Look up reading on", rel="nofollow")= anime.Title.Japanese a.anime-alternative-title(href="" + anime.Title.Japanese, target="_blank", title="Look up reading on", rel="nofollow")= anime.Title.Japanese
//- h3.anime-section-name.anime-summary-header Summary //- h3.anime-section-name.anime-summary-header Summary
p.anime-summary= arn.FixAnimeDescription(anime.Description) p.anime-summary= anime.Summary
if anime.YoutubeID != "" if len(anime.Trailers) > 0 && anime.Trailers[0].Service == "Youtube" && anime.Trailers[0].VideoID != ""
h3.anime-section-name Video h3.anime-section-name Video"" + anime.YoutubeID + "?showinfo=0", allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen")"" + anime.Trailers[0].VideoID + "?showinfo=0", allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen")
if anime.Tracks != nil && anime.Tracks.Opening != nil //- if anime.Tracks != nil && anime.Tracks.Opening != nil
h3.anime-section-name Tracks //- h3.anime-section-name Tracks
iframe.anime-track(src="" + anime.Tracks.Opening.URI + "?auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true") //- iframe.anime-track(src="" + anime.Tracks.Opening.URI + "?auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true")
//- if user && friendsWatching && friendsWatching.length > 0 //- if user && friendsWatching && friendsWatching.length > 0
//- include ../messages/avatar.pug //- include ../messages/avatar.pug
@ -35,30 +35,30 @@ component Anime(anime *arn.Anime)
//- each watcher in friendsWatching //- each watcher in friendsWatching
//- +avatar(watcher) //- +avatar(watcher)
if len(anime.Relations) > 0 //- if len(anime.Relations) > 0
h3.anime-section-name Relations //- h3.anime-section-name Relations
.relations //- .relations
each relation in anime.Relations //- each relation in anime.Relations
a.relation.ajax(href="/anime/" + toString(relation.ID), title=relation.Anime().Title.Romaji) //- a.relation.ajax(href="/anime/" + toString(relation.ID), title=relation.Anime().Title.Romaji)
img.anime-image.relation-image(src=relation.Anime().Image, alt=relation.Anime().Title.Romaji) //- img.anime-image.relation-image(src=relation.Anime().Image, alt=relation.Anime().Title.Romaji)
.relation-type= arn.Capitalize(relation.Type) //- .relation-type= arn.Capitalize(relation.Type)
if len(anime.Genres) > 0 //- if len(anime.Genres) > 0
h3.anime-section-name Genres //- h3.anime-section-name Genres
.light-button-group //- .light-button-group
each genre in anime.Genres //- each genre in anime.Genres
if genre != "" //- if genre != ""
a.light-button.ajax(href="/genres/" + arn.GetGenreIDByName(genre)) //- a.light-button.ajax(href="/genres/" + arn.GetGenreIDByName(genre))
Icon(arn.GetGenreIcon(genre)) //- Icon(arn.GetGenreIcon(genre))
span= genre //- span= genre
if len(anime.Studios) > 0 //- if len(anime.Studios) > 0
h3.anime-section-name Studios //- h3.anime-section-name Studios
.light-button-group //- .light-button-group
each studio in anime.Studios //- each studio in anime.Studios
a.light-button(href="" + toString(studio.ID), target="_blank") //- a.light-button(href="" + toString(studio.ID), target="_blank")
Icon("building") //- Icon("building")
span= studio.Name //- span= studio.Name
//- //-if crunchy //- //-if crunchy
//- //- h3.anime-section-name Episodes //- //- h3.anime-section-name Episodes
@ -106,18 +106,18 @@ component Anime(anime *arn.Anime)
//- if providers.Nyaa && providers.Nyaa.episodes !== undefined //- if providers.Nyaa && providers.Nyaa.episodes !== undefined
//- span(class=providers.Nyaa.episodes === 0 ? "entry-error" : "entry-ok")= providers.Nyaa.episodes + " eps" //- span(class=providers.Nyaa.episodes === 0 ? "entry-error" : "entry-ok")= providers.Nyaa.episodes + " eps"
h3.anime-section-name Links //- h3.anime-section-name Links
.light-button-group //- .light-button-group
if anime.Links != nil //- if anime.Links != nil
each link in anime.Links //- each link in anime.Links
a.light-button(href=link.URL, target="_blank") //- a.light-button(href=link.URL, target="_blank")
Icon("external-link") //- Icon("external-link")
span= link.Title //- span= link.Title
if anime.CreatedBy == "" //- if anime.CreatedBy == ""
a.light-button(href="" + toString(anime.ID), target="_blank") //- a.light-button(href="" + toString(anime.ID), target="_blank")
Icon("external-link") //- Icon("external-link")
span AniList //- span AniList
//- if providers.HummingBird //- if providers.HummingBird
//- a.light-button(href="" + providers.HummingBird.providerId, target="_blank") HummingBird //- a.light-button(href="" + providers.HummingBird.providerId, target="_blank") HummingBird
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ component Anime(anime *arn.Anime)
//- a.light-button(href="" + providers.AnimePlanet.providerId, target="_blank") AnimePlanet //- a.light-button(href="" + providers.AnimePlanet.providerId, target="_blank") AnimePlanet
.sources .sources
p Powered by Anilist. p Powered by Kitsu.
//- if descriptionSource //- if descriptionSource
//- span= " Summary by " + summarySource + "." //- span= " Summary by " + summarySource + "."
//- //- //- //-

View File

@ -2,25 +2,24 @@ package dashboard
import ( import (
"" ""
) )
const maxPosts = 5 const maxPosts = 5
// Get ... // Get ...
func Get(ctx *aero.Context) string { func Get(ctx *aero.Context) string {
posts, err := arn.GetPosts() // posts, err := arn.GetPosts()
if err != nil { // if err != nil {
return ctx.Error(500, "Error fetching posts", err) // return ctx.Error(500, "Error fetching posts", err)
} // }
arn.SortPostsLatestFirst(posts) // arn.SortPostsLatestFirst(posts)
if len(posts) > maxPosts { // if len(posts) > maxPosts {
posts = posts[:maxPosts] // posts = posts[:maxPosts]
} // }
return ctx.HTML(components.Dashboard(posts)) // return ctx.HTML(components.Dashboard(posts))
return ctx.HTML("ARN 4.0 is currently under construction.<br><a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Support the development</a>")
} }

View File

@ -2,29 +2,28 @@ package search
import ( import (
"" ""
) )
// Get ... // Get ...
func Get(ctx *aero.Context) string { func Get(ctx *aero.Context) string {
titleCount := 0 // titleCount := 0
animeCount := 0 // animeCount := 0
// let info: any = await bluebird.props({ // // let info: any = await bluebird.props({
// popular: arn.db.get('Cache', 'popularAnime'), // // popular: arn.db.get('Cache', 'popularAnime'),
// stats: arn.db.get('Cache', 'animeStats') // // stats: arn.db.get('Cache', 'animeStats')
// }) // // })
// return response.render({ // // return response.render({
// user, // // user,
// popularAnime: info.popular.anime, // // popularAnime: info.popular.anime,
// animeCount: info.stats.animeCount, // // animeCount: info.stats.animeCount,
// titleCount: info.stats.titleCount, // // titleCount: info.stats.titleCount,
// anime: null // // anime: null
// }) // // })
popular, _ := arn.GetPopularCache() // popular, _ := arn.GetPopularCache()
return ctx.HTML(components.Search(popular.Anime, titleCount, animeCount)) // return ctx.HTML(components.Search(popular.Anime, titleCount, animeCount))
return ctx.HTML("Coming soon.")
} }