# hash This is a non-cryptographic hash (aka checksum) to verify data integrity. ## API ```go sum := hash.Bytes(data) ``` You can use `strconv.FormatUint(sum, 16)` to get a string in hexadecimal format. ## Benchmarks ``` BenchmarkSize/___7-12 144845362 8.282 ns/op BenchmarkSize/___8-12 318401613 3.779 ns/op BenchmarkSize/__16-12 273568264 4.400 ns/op BenchmarkSize/__17-12 222336567 5.425 ns/op BenchmarkSize/__32-12 191413396 6.266 ns/op BenchmarkSize/__33-12 167791207 7.064 ns/op BenchmarkSize/__64-12 224622992 5.320 ns/op BenchmarkSize/__65-12 211713483 5.735 ns/op BenchmarkSize/_128-12 137411010 8.735 ns/op BenchmarkSize/_256-12 58641082 20.34 ns/op BenchmarkSize/_512-12 22842753 54.89 ns/op BenchmarkSize/1024-12 8913499 134.5 ns/op BenchmarkSize/2048-12 4074927 294.5 ns/op BenchmarkSize/4096-12 1952067 625.4 ns/op ```